We’ve all heard the saying: "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"
I’ve been writing this blog for a number of days and wonder if anyone reads it. I posted it on my facebook page and know some of my friends have checked it out. But, how many people actually look at it more than once? Even my husband – my biggest fan and endless cheerleader – hasn’t read my blog. How sad is that? He's a procrastinator--but to not even peek.
Okay, he did peek once. When I asked him what he thought he said, “It’s okay.” That’s
Phil-speak for it isn’t so great…he doesn’t want to hurt my feelings and say it sucks.
I questions blogs. Are they ego-driven? Kind of a “look at me” and my views sort of thing. Perhaps.
If a writer writes and no one reads those writings do they make a difference?
Is my blog an ego thing? I don’t know. I was told to start one in order to “showcase” my writing. Well, if that be the case – for me – it’s an ego deflator.
I have decided if no one reads my blog, so be it. I accept life as it is, not as I want it to be. My blog is for me. It keeps me writing, searching for my voice, expressing my frustrations, and hopefully showing my weird sense of humor.