Saturday, December 25, 2010


Yesterday I received a letter from the Alliance for Childhood organization regarding Boot Camps for pre-schoolers. See the website below:

What is being done at the early childhood level in our public schools is a disgrace. In order to get children ready to read, we have taken a step backward and forgotten all the tenets of a good early childhood program.  Academics seem to be the total focus in our kindergarten classrooms (and now pushed down even further to our four-year-olds). Our government officals and administrators have forgotten their duty to address the needs of the “whole child.”  Our young children need to develop cognitively, but also socially, physically and emotionally.  To miss any piece of this is developmentally inappropriate and harmful.  Friedrich Froebel, the father of kindergarten, would weep at what has happened to his “garden of children.”  In our country, today’s four and five year olds and their teachers are held prisoner by politicians and school administrators who think play is a waste of time and recess interferes with time better put to use for academic pursuits.  Nonsense!

Play, the very essence of childhood, has become a dirty word in our schools.  In an era where childhood obesity has become a problem, recess has been eliminated.  

So much is being written about the dangers of too much, too soon. But, alas, our government won't listen. How sad for our young children. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Do things really happen in threes? In my experience -- yes.

So, if it holds true to my expectations, the mailman will not be bringing me any more Christmas cards this week. He will plop another rejection in my mailbox.

I've received two so far.

The first one I expected. It was for a position on a committee dealing with curriculum for our local school board. I got a big fat NO earlier this week in the form of a "We appreciate your interest...yadda, yadda, yadda--yeah, yeah, yeah..." letter.

Years ago I was told by people-in-the-know (I wonder how they get in-the-know) that the school board will never appoint teachers to any advisory positions. Hey, I'm no longer a teacher in the system, just an ordinary citizen ready to help. NO!!! Rejection....

The second one came from a children's magazine. I wrote a smokin' hot article tailored to their needs. It was really, really, really good. Or, so I thought. I got another big fat NO in the form of a "Thank you for your submission...yadda, yadda, yadda...good luck on your writing quest...yeah, yeah, yeah..." letter.

I can handle rejection. But, two in one week is a blow to the ego.

Truthfully, I was grateful that I didn't get chosen to sit on the curriculum committee. I think it's time to drop that part of my life and seek other venues.

The rejection of my manuscript hurt. It makes me question myself as a writer. Am I good enough? Am I fooling myself? Should I pursue something else?

Then I quiet down and listen to my inner voice. I have learned in life that if I ignore what it is telling me I am going in the wrong direction. So I listen. It tells me to keep trying. To write. To write what is in my heart. So I continue...

I have a saying that I read periodically. It say: Be courageous -- walk by faith, not sight.

Friday, December 17, 2010


I like to lead an orderly life. My day has order, my house has order, even my closet has order. My writing definitely has an orderly structure to it. I live my stories as if the events were happening--in order--one day, one scene, one problem at a time. 

Until yesterday.

I am presently writing a YA novel. It's 3/4 of the way completed. Then I tripped--I hit a roadblock. I was stuck--I didn't like the way I was taking my character and didn't know what she was going to do next. She was hiding from me, wouldn't even talk to me--God, teenagers can be touchy. So, I gave her some space to figure it out.

She's still avoiding me (what a brat), but on my morning walk (and it's downright cold here in South Florida, but I digress) my muse whispered to me and I knew how the story would end. YIKES--there goes my orderly world. How could I write the ending when I hadn't even finished the middle of the book?

Easy peasy - I sat my butt down at the computer and let my thoughts flow through my fingers to the keyboard. And, there it was--the ending...and a good one if I say so myself.

Now what do I do. I decided to practice out-of-order writing and write the story backwards. This should give my brain some good discipline.

I've got an idea stirring around for my next novel. Maybe--just--maybe I will try to write that one end to beginning.

Out-of-order writing--now there's a foreign concept to my orderly world.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Writing a book is a piece of cake!! Really, it is. It's the editing and revision that the real work begins. At least that's been my experience until....

I had to write a query letter. You know that letter that is suppose grab an editor or agent with a brilliantly ten worded sentence that tells them what my 100,000 word manuscript is all about...God, it's impossible. I spent the past two days trying to write an enticing, cleverly worded, intelligent query letter. I went on the internet and read all the advice on how to write one. I combed over the examples of excellent letters. I wrote and rewrote and rewrote and rewrote. And, still I couldn't get it right. So, you know what I did....

I sent it anyway.


I have a theory about all this writing and publishing stuff. I've heard that publishing through traditional means (as opposed to self-publishing) is like trying to win the Powerball Lottery. But, one cannot win the lottery unless one buys a ticket. So, I do the best I can and buy a ticket...or rather send in queries and manuscripts. One day, I may just be lucky enough to hit the jackpot!

If you are stuck in the fear of rejection, you have already been rejected. Think about it.

Monday, December 6, 2010


I have written a fabulous book. A multicultural themed story that can be translated in any language - international appeal, how cool is that?? Even the query letter was easy to write. What a sell - finally the one book that will open doors for me.

Of course, I know the drill. I googled the category to see if there were any books like mine. NONE!!! Yeah, I am really onto something. $$$$$$$$.

I was just about to take this one to my critique group. Oh, they would be amazed by my creativity, my genius, my discovery! Then I had a thought - I'd better google the title - just in case.

AND THERE IT WAS - the title of my book. The exact words. What! This can't be. It was my idea!! My title. My book. But, it wasn't a book, it was a song. Unfortunately for me, it was a song with the same title as my book.

PSSST. That's the sound of my ego deflating. My creative genius took a nose dive. I read the words to the song - different than my manuscript. It didn't matter - the idea, the title, were already taken.

I've always like the expression: A day late and a dollar short. For me, as a writer, I was a year late and a title short. The song was written in 2009 - close but no cigar.

How do I deal with this blow. I will start over. The idea is good - Okay, maybe not creative or genius, but I can make it work. How? Think of a new title. And re-write the story. And, hope the new title doesn't come up when I google it.

I should have known - it was too easy to write. Too easy to come up with the perfect query letter. Nothing worthwhile in this life comes easy. So it's back to the drawing board...or the computer for me.

BTW: My brother and I are in competion to see who gets published first. He has finished his first book and it's a good one...really, really well written. I secretly hope it is published soon. I love my brother and think he is a genius when it comes to putting words on paper. But, don't tell him I said so.

Friday, December 3, 2010


As if I don't have enough on my plate at the moment, I just put in an application to be on a subcommittee for my local School Board. I won't get it, but it's fun to let them know I'm still around.

You see, as a former classroom teacher, I know what is important to the children and teachers in my community. The school board unfortunately listens to administrators that haven't been in a classroom in years, if ever. And that's where things get dicey.

People want to know what's wrong with education. It's this: Teachers, the ones closest to the children, are told what to teach, how to teach and when to teach it by administrator who never taught it. (Wow, now that is a confusing sentence - but true). Even if it goes against good practices, teachers are not allowed to do what they know is best for children.

I"m not afraid to express my opinions - and that can make me -- well, a bit unpopular.  That is the reason I won't get chosen for the school system's subcommittee. I have written articles for my local newspaper regarding educational issues. The school board and adminstrators know who I am and where I live. And they don't like what I have to say.

I always remember to: Say what I mean, mean what I say, but don't say it mean. I always back up everything I do with research so they can't dispute my words. I am careful.

I think it's important to use my skills as a writer for good. I think it's important to be involved in my community.

What do you do to make a difference in your community?

Remember what Edmund Burke said: All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (or women) to do nothing.

Friday, November 19, 2010


One thing about my community - In season life gets crazy. Season slowly begins in late October, slows down near Thanksgiving, comes to a halt at Christmas and then picks up Daytona 500 speed in January. What this means is 1,000s of people descend upon us for warmth, sunshine and parties!!! We have one uber friendly community and everyone is SOCIAL to the nth degree. Ergo, I have not written in my blog in ages. I am crazy busy!!!! But, I make a pledge to myself to do better.

So, how do I make time for writing. I usually get up at 5:00 a.m. and try to get a couple of hours in on my latest YA novel. It's almost done. YEAH! Except, I've hit a wall. I need a twist...a surprise...something to keep the reader reading, and I can't find it. I've looked under rocks, in the recesses of my mind, walked the  beach...tried everything...I write and write and write...but nothing, nada. I know that if I continue to work on it, something will magically appear (fingers crossed) that's where all my concentrated writing is for now... I did change the title from ON THE RUN to ONLY LOSERS CRY. As I research the market, all the titles are so edgy - except mine. You wouldn't think coming up with a title is difficult - but, my, oh, my - it's harder than actually writing the book.

One good thing did happen: My editorial that was printed in the Tallahassee Democrat was picked up and "tweeted" by a big time op ed and book author. How cool is that!!!

One crappy thing: Another rejection for my picture book manuscript: DUCKS IN A ROW. I guess I need a better title. However, I do know that pictures books are extremely difficult to sell in this market. So, I just keep sending it out. One of these days the tide will turn in my favor.

Stayed tuned. Hopefully I can get back into blogging everyday (OMG - everyday - we'll see).

Over and out.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


I'm published again. This time in the Tallahassee Democrat. I was anxious to view my column, but when I clicked on, I found out I had to pay to read it. Pay to read my own stuff - go figure. So I forked over the money and was it ever worth it - if not for just one little word - AUTHOR.

I really don't consider myself an author yet. I think the actual publishing of a book would endow me with that honor. But, not so - there it was at the end of my article: About the author...There was that word that made my day.

Author - Oh it sounds good to the ear. I think I will hang on it a little bit longer today. Tomorrow I'm back to trying to publish a book.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I'm beginning to think I need to change my blog to something more dear to my heart - education...or the lack of it. Check out the link below. Warning - it has some adult language in it, so if you are offended easily, don't open it.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Heart and Soul

I had a guest editorial published in my local newspaper yesterday - it was located on the top of the front section! How cool is that?

Writing never ceases to amaze me. I wrote this one from deep within my soul. It's a wrong that has been perpetuated on our youth for many years and needs to be corrected. The public is behind me, but the bureaucrats have dug their heels in and refused to budge. I think once a person is elected to a political office they lose all common sense. What the heck is in the water in Tallahassee and Washington D.C.?

But, I digress. This piece that was published was easy to write.  Why? Because I have lived it, researched it and written many times before on the same subject.

Today I am struggling with a piece.  It's not a part of me. I found a subject to write about - something a publisher is requesting. It's in my area of expertise, but not in my heart and soul.

Can I do it? I don't know. I'm attending a writing class at my local university this afternoon. I'll present the manuscript to my fellow writers and see what they say.

Stay tuned. I'm hoping for another winner.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I know, I know - If one writes a blog they must post something everyday or people will not read them. EVERYDAY???

OMG when does one find the time? I've been editing and revising a YA novel and trying to write an article for a children's publication. That pretty much takes my entire morning.

I go brain dead in the afternoon. My inactive brain is a result of my profession as a kindergarten teacher. I would spend seven hours a day, five days a week with five and six year old children. I loved every minute of it, but when 4:00 rolled around, my brain would take a holiday. It's a miracle I could find my way home after work - I think someone should invent a remote control car for teachers. All we would have to do is buckle up, push a button and go into the zone.  The car would maneuver its way through the traffic (and in season we have TRAFFIC), deliver us home and have a cold martini waiting. How cool would that be!!!!

Okay, so I wrote something today. It's not the best, but - hey - it's a post until I can get my brain back to some intellectual pursuit and write something of substance.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Where do you find those captivating ideas for your stories? Do you walk the mall and people watch. Read books that ignite something great deep within? Follow trends, or follow your heart?

I decided to take a brain break. I finished my latest project and didn't have any ideas forthcoming, so decided to close the lid of my laptop and think of nothing - absolutely nothing.

But as a writer, my mind doesn't work that way - sparks fly even when I try to squelch them. And, this time I have my grandson, Justin, to blame.

You see he just finished his Eagle Scout project. I am so proud of his hard work and all that he has had to do for this accomplishment. Suddenly, like the trees he distributed, a seed began to grow in my mind. 

Darn. No day off for me. I lifted the lid of my shiny red laptop and my fingers started to move. The story isn't near completion, but the seed is growing. 

My family - my big beautiful family - a treasure trove of ideas - what a blessing.

BTW: Justin's dad has a book contract. How cool is that!!! Like father, like son - shining examples of good people doing good works.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Why are we in such a rush? In today’s kindergarten classrooms children are required master a number of sight words and read at a level once reserved for first grade. They must do this to the exclusion of recess, informal play, and in some cases, even the arts.
            Standardized tests have forced our schools into teaching too much, too soon. In his book entitled, The Power of Play, Dr. David Elkind, a professor Emeritus in the Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Development at Tufts University, warns parents and educators of the dangers of developmentally inappropriate early childhood programs.
            Dr. Elkind states, “Comparisons with other countries suggest that there is no benefit to starting formal instruction before the age of six. The majority of other European countries admit children to school at six or seven following a three year period of pre-school education which focuses on social and physical development.”
            Are we guilty of robbing our children of their childhood? Take a look at the October 7, 2010 article by Julie Bosman published in the New York Times entitled; Picture Books No Longer a Staple for Children. We see yet another fundamental piece of early childhood being cast away, thought of as a relic of the past. Bookstores find these beautifully written and illustrated books declining in sales.
Why are we stealing this beloved part of childhood from our children? For what reason? According to the New York Times article, the push to have children reading “more text-heavy chapter books” is a by-product of our obsession with standardize tests.
            In addition, the state of our economy and the price of picture books are forcing parents to avoid them. This doesn’t make much sense when electronic games, at three times the cost, are flying off the shelves of retailers. 
            Our technology is developing at a rapid pace, but our children are not computers. They are not sponges. They are young children, each developing at their own rate with the same emotional, social, and spiritual needs that cannot be hurried. We are depriving them of a well rounded education when we cement them in the abstract world of words, sentences and chapters before they exit their concrete world of learning through their senses.
            It’s my hope that this trend is just that – a trend. That the swinging pendulum, parents and educators will remember that roots of learning need to be secure in order for a healthy child to grow.
It is akin to taking a pink rose bud and prying apart the petals to bring forth a beautiful rose. It doesn’t work. Children, like flowers, need to be given the freedom to grow at their own pace and blossom when they are ready.
Remember: A picture is worth a thousand words. A picture book in the hands of a child is worth much more.

Friday, October 8, 2010


            If anyone has ever read my blog (thank you Chris, for always checking it out) you know that one of my daily routines is walking to the beach. I am unbelievably lucky. I live in a slice of paradise, a stone’s throw from the Gulf of Mexico. Today was the best…the air was crisp and cool…the cloudless sky beckoned, so I donned my daughter’s tennis shoes (I said this to see if she reads these) and hiked down the street, through the wetlands to the beach.

This is the good part – there was not another person in sight – no man, no woman, no child, no one, nada – just sand and birds and me. How cool is that!!!

As I walked, sandpipers scurried ahead, pelican skimmed the water, egrets and ibis stood in clusters near the shoreline. Watching these creatures, the saying, “Birds of a feather, flock together,” came to mind. There they stood – a plethora of birds – each in their own group.

It made me think of my experiences in critique groups. I once thought a writer was a writer was a writer. We all searched for that original idea, interviewed our characters to discover their inner workings, struggled for the exact wording, edited, revised. Yes, we were soul mates spending hours of our lives chained to the computer.

Well, at least I thought we were – soul mates, that is - until I entered my first critique group. It was made up of poets, writers of adult fiction, and people writing memoirs.

First the poets. I hate poetry – I don’t get it, pure and simple. But I listened to the musings of the poets. Everyone in the group would ooh and ah. I just sat there – clueless – thinking … what the hell are they saying? I was really out of my league here.

Then came the novelist. Now there’s something I could understand. I read all the time. It was easy to critique something I understood. The stories were interesting, filled with industrial greed, or sex, or intrigue. Very cool.

Then the people writing memoirs. Wow, what courage it takes to write about one’s inner thoughts, life’s experiences, mistakes, triumphs.
Then there’s me with my story about a platypus, or a homeless girl, or an uncooperative duck. They all liked what I wrote – they really did – but their critique wasn’t what I needed.

I discovered that they were seagulls, I was a swan. We weren’t birds of a feather.

I went in search of other swans and started my own critique group through the SCBWI.  It isn’t big, but we are tight knit. Everyone understands the nuances of children’s literature. Ideas are shared, manuscripts enhanced, and egos kept in check.

If you aren’t in a critique group, I suggest you find one. You will be tickled you did.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Do you follow trends in the world of publishing?

 I keep close tabs on the children’s book industry. You know how it goes - one day talking animals are in, the next day they’re persona non grata. I know that vampires are out at the present time. Chasing the fads and trends are exhausting.

I search for agents whose “likes” are akin to mine. What are you looking for? Perhaps I can supply it?

Should I write for the latest fads or follow my heart?

That’s an easy question to answer because when I try to write to please another, I just plain can’t do it. The words stick somewhere between my brain and my computer. I must write from the heart—ALWAYS—whether or not what I've written is selling. When I do the words and ideas and chapters flow like a flood after a heavy rain.

Just the other day a misdeed jumped out at me. It was imbedded in an article in our local newspaper. Since I love writing letters to the editor, I couldn’t let this golden opportunity pass me by. So, my heart nudged my brain and I flew to my computer.

Tap, tap, tap (that’s the sound of me typing!).

Was it good enough to reach publication? You bet. When I write from that place deep within my soul it is always good enough.

My letter was published today. And, it was tagged “letter of the day.” How cool is that!

Follow your heart…your gut instinct…whatever you call it…you will never go wrong.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


He was a smooth talker. Telling me everything I wanted to hear. He caressed my ego, put stars in my eyes. He promised fame and fortune. Oh, he was good, but not good enough.

He had even changed his name from “self-publishing” to “publish on demand.” It sounded so good. For just a few dollars up front, my book would be published and distributed…to major stores like Books-A-Million or Barnes and Noble. All proceeds from sales would by mine.

Mine, mine, mine.

That small upfront investment would be back in my pocket in no time. Yes, his velvet voice almost lulled me into writing that check.

Did I succumb? Of course not. I knew he was coming. I knew what he wanted. And, I enjoyed listening to his pitch.

A friend of mine had just finished writing his life story. He wanted it published for his kids and grandkids…to know their roots, their family history. He found this reputable company and told me how impressed he was with them. He paid them for their expertise in editing and for X number of dollars he would receive X number of books. I decided look them up on the internet. In order to get into the website, I had to list my name, phone number and e-mail address. That’s what I call an “in your face” clue. I told my friend that I expected a call from them that week.

“Oh, no,” he said. “They won’t pursue you.”

He was right, they didn't pursue, they chased. I received three phone calls in one day and two e-mails. They wanted my money and they wanted it badly! Their powers of persuasion were masterful – but, little did they know I have no intention of self-publishing. It’s not for me.

I know my books are good. The writing is the easy part. The hard part is the marketing. Finding a publishing company that needs what I have is like trying to find the preverbal needle in the haystack. I subscribe to three writer’s publications. Each list agents and publishing companies presently open to submissions.

I attend SCBWI conferences and listen to the latest publishing buzz. I learn everything I can about the industry.

Then, I submit. And I wait.

And wait.

And wait.

For me the biggest problem is playing the waiting game. And, hoping that I have a match. Like finding a husband, someone who loves what I have written and will marry me – or at least my manuscript.

But, alas, I am still waiting. A writing spinster looking for my knight in shining armor.


Friday, October 1, 2010


I walk to the beach every day. It holds a plethora of sensory input—a writer’s dream. I would love to take my laptop with me. Sitting at a table sipping coffee, I would scan the horizon watching the sun dance on the ripples and marvel as the dolphins arc out of the water. I would close my eyes and listen. I would lift the lid of my shiny red computer and magically turn that beauty into text. My fingers would skitter across the keyboard capturing the sights, sounds, smells, even the taste of the warm air and feel of the gritty sand, but, alas, it eludes me at times.

I snap pictures with my cell phone so I can remember the sights. Take today, for instance. The water appeared silver, oh, so smooth, not a wrinkle on the horizon. Brown pelicans skimmed the surface looking for their breakfast. Tiny waves rolled on shore, their foam kissing the feet of the sandpipers as they skittered along the sand. The air hung so heavy with a salty scent that I could almost taste it.

But, it’s the sound of those waves that bring peace to my soul. I wish I could describe it.  I can’t. I have trouble putting “sounds” in print.

I have a notebook filled with action verbs and adjectives, but somehow it does not contain the calming sound of the rolling water as it comes to shore.

So I – clicked – onto the internet and went to google. Ah, google - so filled with information. Aha, there is was – a list of sounds. Whirr, I scroll down to find the ideal word.

Gurgle – no.

Whirr…(this is the sound of me scrolling)

Kapow – no.

Whirr…(scrolling again)

Then I see lapping. I’ve heard words like lapping used to describe waves rolling on shore. But, to me it sounds like something a cat does to milk.

Whirr, whirr – more word sounds…

Slosh – maybe.

Aarrgh, I just can’t seem to capture that sound. Oh well, I guess I will just have to record it tomorrow. ( On that device my husband bought and I forget to put in my pocket when I leave the house.)

Maybe, just maybe I can find the words...tomorrow.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


We’ve all heard the saying: "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"
I’ve been writing this blog for a number of days and  wonder if anyone reads it. I posted it on my facebook page and know some of my friends have checked it out.  But, how many people actually look at it more than once? Even my husband – my biggest fan and endless cheerleader – hasn’t read my blog. How sad is that? He's a procrastinator--but to not even peek.

Okay, he did peek once. When I asked him what he thought he said, “It’s okay.” That’s
Phil-speak for it isn’t so great…he doesn’t want to hurt my feelings and say it sucks.

I questions blogs. Are they ego-driven? Kind of a “look at me” and my views sort of thing. Perhaps.  

If a writer writes and no one reads those writings do they make a difference?

Is my blog an ego thing? I don’t know. I was told to start one in order to “showcase” my writing. Well, if that be the case – for me – it’s an ego deflator.

I have decided if no one reads my blog, so be it. I accept life as it is, not as I want it to be. My blog is for me. It keeps me writing, searching for my voice, expressing my frustrations, and hopefully showing my weird sense of humor.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


When it comes to writing my brain never stops working.  Well almost never.

Yesterday I had a gem of an idea for a picture book. But, the idea wasn’t producing anything. I guess you could call it a diamond in the rough. I had a lump of coal – no diamond.

So I called on my brain to get busy.

I planted the seed deep in the recesses of my mind hoping something would sprout.

Did it?

Nope – not during the day. Perhaps my brain was too active doing other things like grocery shopping and trying to decide what to have for dinner. Or sitting with James Patterson’s latest evil villain and searching for his hideout.  (James Patterson books – one of my many guilty pleasures).

Okay, my brain was rebelling, so I went to the computer and researched everything I could find on the topic. That should stimulate the old gray matter.

Did it?

No. Geez, what’s up with that?

I gave up and went to bed. And that’s when my brain went to work. At 4:30 this morning my eyes popped open and there it was – not quite the diamond I had hoped for…but a direction in which to take the book.

Moral of the story: “It’ll shine when it shines.” (Whatever the heck that means).

Monday, September 27, 2010


My computer – I can’t live without it. Remember manual typewriters? How about the electric ones? Dinosaurs!!!

My computer – my best friend.

No more dictionary – just right click – and “look up” any word.

No more thesaurus – yep – right click – and “synonyms” pops up.

And then there is my favorite – SPELL CHECK – gotta love it. I can type to my heart’s content not worried about carbon paper, ink erasers, white out or the bulky dictionary… that little red zigzag highlights my errors. Another right click and all the words I need are at my disposal. How cool is that!!!

Hold on a minute. What would my third grade teacher say??? No dictionary, no thesaurus…no white way! 

I found every now and then, spell check throws me a curve. It lurks as close as my keyboard to steer me the wrong way. How about when I want to say your but I type you. Where’s my friend when I really need her.

As an example. Last week during I was gathered at Books-A-Million with my critique group – I was reading the latest chapter of my book, ON THE RUN. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw everyone furiously scribbling on my (perfect) manuscript. How dare they!!! When it was time for comments they all noticed something I didn’t…they all noticed something my spell check didn’t…I had typed the word it instead of if.

Arrgh, that drives me crazy. I knew the word was if – I read it as if - but on closer look, I saw it.

OMG – How could that happen!!!

My BFF let me down. Or, do I depend on her too much.

I wonder - is spell check my friend or foe??? Food for thought.

Oh, Mrs. Crandall (my third grade teacher) – I still use the dictionary and thesaurus!! Give me an A+.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


I’m not big into football, but I watch an occasional game or two. I always find the strategy fascinating, especially near the end when the score teeters one way or the other. Each team tries to get close enough to the goal to score. Watching them slowly inch their way down the field in the last jaw dropping moments – and, oh, my, those last two minutes take FOREVER  – raise a fans blood pressure to near stroke level. And, finally – the kick. It seems to hang in the air as everyone holds their breath, eyes following the arc – and ta da, a win…or a lose.

Well, I’m close to the goal in my writing, but I fumbled. I have an article to write for our local newspaper, but I dropped the ball. I have written the article twice – and both times – as quarterback, I missed the mark. So, now what? I’m close to a first down, perhaps a touchdown, but the ball is as slippery as a pig at a fair. I guess – when in doubt – punt.

So I did! I have a friend in the business. I wrote her for advice. She’s a cheerleader on my team. How lucky am I? I found that surrounding myself with like minded writers enriches my life, my writing, my very soul.

Creativity is a team effort – and what a team I’m on!!! I punted, the ball is in the air – now let’s see if we can make the touchdown. Stay tuned...the clock is running...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Write. Write! Write?

Do you write every day? The truth!

I was raised in a military family – yeah, yeah, yeah, I know-- I’m a military brat, and rule follower. My brothers and I were given “the rules” for good behavior in the womb. These dictates were never, EVER to be broken--EVER. My father’s career depended on it. Did we walk the straight and narrow? You bet. Well, I did – my brothers?—well that’s another story.

Now, it the business of becoming an author, I was given this unbreakable rule: Write – EVERYDAY.

As you can see – I haven’t written in my blog for three days. When I open my front door in the morning I peek out, exit quietly and tiptoe down the stairs. I feel them. They’re there - just around the corner—my knees shake in fear that the writing police will arrest me for breaking this steadfast decree.

I’m ready with my alibi. “Okay, okay, so I don’t write for hours each day, but, I think everyday. Does that count? I corner my muse everyday. Does this count? I observe human behavior everyday. Does this count? To me, yes.

So, how about you? Do you write every day? If not, can you give me some good excuses in case, (just in case) I encounter the writing police on my way to the grocery store?

BTW: I did write yesterday. I queried another agent – an e-query. Hopefully I won’t get
e-jected this time.

And to my beautiful daughter - Happy Birthday!!!  I love you.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Guess what I got yesterday?

You can sing the answer to the tune of Aretha Franklin’s RESPECT!

Find out what it means to me
Take care, TCB (I think the TCB stands for Thoughtful, creative, but…)

Figure it out? Yep, another rejection. It was an e-jection really – to a e-query. To tell you the truth I knew I’d get it. I had met the editor at an SCBWI conference and she wasn’t the most receptive person, but hey, I had to try.

I have been told that getting published in the children’s book arena is akin to winning the lottery. The odds are about the same. Discouraging—maybe. But, I have a theory – you can’t win the lottery unless you buy a ticket. So, I keep “buying tickets,” aka, sending in manuscripts.

I still have seven floating on the sea of hope. Maybe, just maybe, one of these days I’ll hear:

Guess what it means to me
Take care, TCB (Then TCB will stand for Thoughtful, creative, brilliant)

Take care - keep writing - and keep submitting!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Where’s Mine?

Don’t you just love stepping into Barnes and Noble? Perhaps Books-A-Million. How about the corner mom and pop bookstore? It's one of my favorite adventures.

 Upon arrival, I find myself surrounded by wizards and vampires, kings and queens. I encounter serial killers and their victims. There are books to help me lose weight, find my karma, inspire my life. Books that feed my soul, books that hold recipes to feed my body.

I love the sights, the sounds, but most of all the hope I receive when I cross the threshold of my local bookstore. I sometimes let my mind wander and visualize the table where I’ll sit when I autograph my first book. Silly, I know, but I believe I will someday be there. After all there are thousands of books. All written by someone. Why not me.

At a recent conference I attended there was a workshop on the industry and e-books. I felt like I was sitting around a campfire trading ghost stories. Any minute the boogieman would appear holding the dreaded        e-book…the bane of writers everywhere. How scary is that. Will this new mode of communication hurt or help the publishing industry? Well, duh – help, of course. Someone still has to write the words.

When I write my picture books I put on my illustrators hat and visualize them not only as traditional books, but as e-books. How cool would it be to see the characters I develop actually move. How about highlighting the words as they are read by the invisible reader. Or, turning off the sound and a parent can read the words. Just like in old fashion, turn the page, books. Ah, the possibilities for this business of ours!

So, where’s mine. Well, it’s probably sitting in some slush pile in the land of words and phrases. But, hey I have to start somewhere.

Get ready to set up that table, Barnes and Noble, I plan to be there SOMEDAY.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Log Lines, Hooks and Other Torture Devices

I would rather drink buttermilk than create a log line. Listening to fingernails on a chalkboard is more desirable than crafting a hook. And a query – OMG, how hard can it be?

For me these are the torture devices of writing.

I subscribe to three writer’s magazines and read them cover to cover when they arrive. Oh, they are crammed full of good information. On my desk sits piles of enlightening articles about--“How to Write a Good Query." I’ve read them all – twice.

Yesterday my latest writer’s magazine arrived and hidden inside, on page 23, was a list of agents looking for writers!!!  Yea, pick me, pick me. But here’s the rub: I have to hook them with a good log line and a letter perfect query. Bring on the buttermilk.

Why is it I am able to write a manuscript of one hundred pages, but to put down in one sentence what it’s about is torture? I agonize for days. I write sentences to tantalize an editor. I write log lines that would make even the most seasoned agent run down the hallway screaming, “I found it. Move over New York Times Best Seller list.”

I let them sit for a day or two – then I re-read them – and hate them. I’m never satisfied. Where is that pesky muse when I need her?

Like me, she probably rummaging around the refrigerator looking for the buttermilk.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I am a writer. A lover of words. A pretty good speller, if I say so myself.

I am a fan of texting. An awesome way to keep in touch – a spur of the moment, easy to use mode of communication.

But I absolutely hate text slang. SRSLY, ih8it. What a slam on our beautiful language!! IMO it’s a lazy way to correspond. LLTA.

Now young people will probably say that I am OOT. I know, I know, our language changes with the times, but to slaughter it is tomfoolery.

If you agree, MMYT. If not MMHATY.
• * * * *

Another thought:

This being Sunday, I wanted to pass along a little tidbit I like:  If God is your co-pilot, switch seats.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Are We There Yet?

"Are we there yet?"

"Yep, we're there!" I respond.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Didn't you see me put it away. Geez."


"Yes, finished, complete, done - I'm so over it. Now let's talk about something else."

That's the conversation I had this morning while on my daily exercise routine. I walk to the beach every morning. Most people I pass have a "significant other" walking with them. I have an invisible "significant other" -- my muse. And she never lets up!

Just as the sun is rising I put on my Sketchers Shape Ups -- you know the tennis shoes that are suppose to give you a workout. Well, they do, believe me -- but as far as weight loss -- hmmmm that's another story. When I walk I think, I observe, I listen to my muse -- it's when I get all my inspiration for writing. It's also the time  when I forget to take my recorder to record my great ideas and I end up begging the tram driver to borrow his pen and write on a napkin at the beach cafe. But, hey, any port in the storm....

So today I was feeling rather smug because I finished another manuscript. Or, so I thought. My muse would not leave me alone.

"You left Emily standing before the judge," my muse said.

"So?" I bark back.

"How does she feel? What does she do next? Didn't you forget a major 'show, don't tell' portion."

Dang, I hate it when she's right.

When I got home, dripping with sweat (it's still majorly hot and humid here) - I slid onto my chair, opened my computer and went to court. There was Emily standing before the judge - scared - yeah, yeah, I know I'm telling not showing...but I haven't written it yet. I poised my fingers on the keyboard and began to write.

"Are we there yet?"

"No, we're still working on it. Emily runs into the tin lady again and I need to SHOW what happens next."

So how do you know when you have finished a story? Do you obsess like me - always thinking I could add a little more here or show a bit better there?

BTW: Don't tell my husband that I forgot my recorder. He bought it for me and isn't happy when I return home holding seven napkins.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Self Publishing – Is it the new wave of the future or like kissing your sister.

In my hometown newspaper the other day sat a big spread about a friend of mine who finally – after exhaustive hours on the computer – published his first book.

I admit that green eyed monster called envy wormed its way into my heart. “Dang, my books are as good as his,” I thought. Then I read the article:

He self-published the book. Hah! There you go – rejected by publishing companies and agencies– so he took the non-traditional route and published the book himself.

Is self-publishing the wave of the future -- a way for us struggling writers to become “authors?" Or, it is like kissing your sister – or in my case my brother?

In articles I have recently read, it has become a respectable alternative to getting one's book published. When working with major publishing companies one faces months between submission and rejection.  And if by some miracle acceptance finds its way into one's life, it takes months and possibly years to achieve actual publication. The services offered by these self-publishing companies are remarkable and the resulting product -- very professional.

In retrospect, my friend put his money where his faith is -- in himself and his book. To thine own self by true.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I Can Handle Rejection, I Raised Teenagers

Do you check your mailbox daily for that sought after letter of acceptance?

I always did until those rejections found their way to my door. But, hey, I can handle rejection, I raised teenagers.

So I have come up with a few tricks on how to handle the waiting game.

1. Once I mail a manuscript I put it out of my mind.

Of course, for me, it is like sending my children to college. I can't quite forget them--the children, that is,  or the manuscript. I make a note on the calendar when I should expect to hear from a specific publisher. Okay, okay when that date arrives I begin to obsess. But what writer isn't a little OCD.

2. I immediately begin working on my next book. Keeps the mind occupied and forward thinking.

3. I view each rejection as one step closer to acceptance. My neighbors can hear my cries of joy as I watch the mailman drive away. "Hey, I got a rejection. Another short-sighted publisher that missed my best seller."

This is my first try at a blog. I will try to write daily and post my musing in groups of three. See above. After all aren't we writers told the rule of three. I like rules. I like three. I like blogs.

But, for the life of me I am not sure if I have set this up correctly. But, like my manuscripts, I keep trying.