Monday, March 28, 2011


What do you do when your story is stuck in neutral--going nowhere? Or, in other words, has a case of the blahs.

My remedy for a declining story line is to stop writing--for the moment.

I pick up a writer's magazine and read...for realize other writer's go through the same process...and to find a way to help my character get back on track.

I read a book by my favorite author. It gives my creative side a rest. I jot down phrases that catch my fancy and get my muse excited.

I open my folder that contains action verbs, adjectives and other interesting words I've picked up through the years--I know it sounds weird, but just reading words...unconnected to sentences...helps me visualize a better story.

And, I walk the beach. I empty my mind, feel the wind on my face, smell the saltiness of the Gulf and listen to the many sounds of the birds that scatter as I pass by. It's refreshing, lovely, calming, relaxing...and perhaps I can lose a few pounds in the process.

So, when you reach a point in your story where you feel lost...what do you do to inspire your discover a twist that will keep the reader reading? What do you do?

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Why do cars today have to be so safe? Well, okay, for obvious reasons it's good for us, but as far as my story line goes, all the safety features on cars aren't helping.

It's the middle of winter, the streets are icy, one of my characters is pissed and speeds out onto the highway. Oh, my, not a good idea, because the car hits a patch of ice and spins out of control. Trying to avoid hitting an oncoming automobile, my character swerves, flips, and hits a tree. Ordinarily that would cause pretty good damage - to the car and my pissed driver. But, of course, there seat belts and air bags to keep him from flying out the window and cutting himself to pieces, or hitting the steering and breaking ribs...and I thought writing about sex was difficult.

I have to get my peeps to the hospital. One has to be injured...maybe I should just have them stall on the train tracks. No, too dangerous and I don't want them to die.

Back to the drawing board...or plot more ways to maim a character. 

Friday, March 25, 2011


WOW, long time no write. But, then I don't seem to have a big "fan" base by the 0 comments I discover when I log onto my blog. I guess the length of time between blog postings is not critical. Perhaps I should place some comments so it looks like someone is actually reading it. What do you think? Lame?

I, thought, this latest subject would spark some interest. I mean sex sells -- correct? That is, if you know how to write about it.

I'm in the process of writing about SEX. And, my, oh, my it's coming with great difficulty. Not, because I can't write the correct text--it's, well, just darned embarrassing. It has to be done to add spice (interest?? reality???) to my story, but I'm doing it in the closet so no one knows. As I write I think about reading it in my critique group. Should I ask the men to leave? Or, do they stay? Afterall I need a man's perspective on it.

What do you think?

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Oh, my goodness -- I have blog block. Similar to writer's block, blog block means I have nothing to say...can't think of anything to say...but am going to write anyway. So, you can stop reading here--everything beyond this is minutia, dribble, aka crap.

I am using this time to avoid working on my book. It's pretty much finished. The beginning is awesome, the middle not bad, but the end is boring with a capital B. I have the worst time with endings. Go figure. I need to jump in with all ten fingers and flesh it out...make it intriguing...but instead I procrastinate.

Somehow I think if I just keep typing something spectacular will jump into my head and the perfect ending will flow. But, just ain't happening. So I procrastinate.

I have found a mind numbing procrastination technique: Computer games - Now there's a way to kill time - a mineless waste.

Some productive procrastination...Housecleaning - at least I have a neat house to show for it.
Or here's one weighty way to keep myself from working. I do, however, send the finished product with my husband to the diaylsis clinic. They appreciate my offering and I don't eat it.

See didn't I tell you it was a waste of time reading this.

I am going to stop and take a walk. In reality that is the best thing for me. I come up with the greatest ideas when I am outside, on the beach and letting my muse in. Of course it hasn't whispered anything to me lately, but I know I just need to let go and be patient.

Here's hoping that today...inspiration tickles my brain.

Monday, March 7, 2011


It's been way too long since I've been on the blog. I've been busy sending in more manuscripts. It's nothing like an ACCEPTANCE to get the old juices flowing again.

And, I mean the old ones. I decided to enter some more contests. I send three of my REJECTS into Writer's Digest for their annual contest. Of course, I dusted them off and did editing and revising before I posted them. I figure if they don't place in the contest, I might as well deep 6 them.

I did, however, send two fresh stories to Children's Writer for their contest. I think I blah, blah, blogged about them a while ago. The challenge was to come up with emergent readers for kindergarten. I didn't think I could do it, but the muse tickled my ear and I managed to punch out a couple. We will see where that leads.

Now the biggie - the HOOK. Oh, how I hate the HOOK. I just sent in the first three chapters of my middle grade novel to a MAJOR publishing house -- I could do this because I attended an SCBWI conference and that is one of the bennies. It took me days and days and days just to write that one small paragraph -- the HOOK -- in the cover letter. I don't understand how I can write pages and pages of text, but when it comes to a cover letter I panic. And, I mean PANIC. I read and re-read until my eye balls fall out. I google all the "sample query" letter sites and read and re-read them until eye balls hurt. And, I still second guess every word I write. But, I realize I must eventually let it go...and so I do.

Maybe I should google OCD sites. Perhaps they can advise me about letting go of the dreaded HOOK.