Friday, February 22, 2013


My book is now available on the kindle and nook. How cool is that!

The marketing department associated with Tate has send me all sorts of info to help me promote my book -- not only in my own area, but nationwide. Talk about being out of my comfort zone. Yikes, I feel like a salmon swimming upstream.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. If you can put the word out to your friends and neighbors I'd appreciate it.

So far, the reviews are great! Whew.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I had my first signing party for my book, Only Losers Cry, this past Sunday.


And, over 75 people showed up! How cool is that.

Since my book is about homelessness, I took a copy to my local homeless shelter. They have a catering service -- so I used them to cater the party. How smart is that!

It was fun, but try to fit that many people in my condo...I'll bet the fire department would have had a fit if they knew. Ha, ha, ha.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


I have my first book signing today for my new novel, Only Losers Cry. Of course, I'm playing it safe. I invited my neighbors, my family and my friends.

I thought selling my book would be difficult for me because I am generally a quiet, inverted person, but so far I've found a "new me." The enthusiastic "me" has come out and I'm having a blast (a 60's word for having fun). I hope my new founded self confidence continues to emerge.

In addition, I've had a new surge of energy and am writing again. Even poetry. Where's that coming from? I'm definitely not a poet. Don't understand poetry...but writing it -- how scary is that?

Saturday, February 9, 2013


I'm off and running with the marketing of my book, Only Losers Cry.

Check it out:

I'm marketing in my area -- a small town in Southwest Florida, but how does one get nationwide exposure? Ellen? Oprah? Yeah, right.

My first book signing is Sunday, February 17 -- I keep telling myself to take a deep breath.

I find that dependence on a power great than myself, taking it one day, one step, one book at a time helps keep panic away.