Thursday, June 27, 2013


I found a new source for my picture book manuscripts. Check it out:

It's an "app" and I believe the new wave of the future.

In my experience, picture book manuscripts are next to impossible to sell to traditional publishers, so I'm trying this venue.

Wanna know how I'm doing?

First manuscript: They kept for two weeks before rejecting it. Ducks in a Row

Okay, I tell myself, I have more.

Second manuscript: They kept it less than 24 hours before rejecting it. Must have been a really bad one. Mouse and the Tattered Red Umbrella

Third manuscript: I sent it in today. A few hours ago. I'm hoping that the third time is a charm. The Day the Cookies Burned

I feel like I'm throwing spaghetti against the wall and hoping it sticks.

If #3 is rejected -- I have more to send.

Wish me luck.

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Okay, I've had my website for...let's see...a few months. Yesterday I figured out how it works. I know, I know, if I want to sell books I need to get with the program, but sometimes as "techy" as I feel, too much makes me crazy.

There is a blog on the website. I took a tutorial and wrote something. Should I quit this one and use that one? I'm not sure what to do. So many decisions.

Check it out.

I do have some good news. Tate's marketing department has gotten me a gig!!!! How cool is that.
I have a book signing scheduled for August 17 at a bookstore in Fort Myers - Annette's Book Nook, 7205 Estero Blvd. #701. The only catch is trying to get a ton of people to show up.

Well, I have a couple of months to figure it out. We'll see what happens.

Going to my other website now.

Over and out.