Friday, November 19, 2010


One thing about my community - In season life gets crazy. Season slowly begins in late October, slows down near Thanksgiving, comes to a halt at Christmas and then picks up Daytona 500 speed in January. What this means is 1,000s of people descend upon us for warmth, sunshine and parties!!! We have one uber friendly community and everyone is SOCIAL to the nth degree. Ergo, I have not written in my blog in ages. I am crazy busy!!!! But, I make a pledge to myself to do better.

So, how do I make time for writing. I usually get up at 5:00 a.m. and try to get a couple of hours in on my latest YA novel. It's almost done. YEAH! Except, I've hit a wall. I need a twist...a surprise...something to keep the reader reading, and I can't find it. I've looked under rocks, in the recesses of my mind, walked the  beach...tried everything...I write and write and write...but nothing, nada. I know that if I continue to work on it, something will magically appear (fingers crossed) that's where all my concentrated writing is for now... I did change the title from ON THE RUN to ONLY LOSERS CRY. As I research the market, all the titles are so edgy - except mine. You wouldn't think coming up with a title is difficult - but, my, oh, my - it's harder than actually writing the book.

One good thing did happen: My editorial that was printed in the Tallahassee Democrat was picked up and "tweeted" by a big time op ed and book author. How cool is that!!!

One crappy thing: Another rejection for my picture book manuscript: DUCKS IN A ROW. I guess I need a better title. However, I do know that pictures books are extremely difficult to sell in this market. So, I just keep sending it out. One of these days the tide will turn in my favor.

Stayed tuned. Hopefully I can get back into blogging everyday (OMG - everyday - we'll see).

Over and out.

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