Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Do things really happen in threes? In my experience -- yes.

So, if it holds true to my expectations, the mailman will not be bringing me any more Christmas cards this week. He will plop another rejection in my mailbox.

I've received two so far.

The first one I expected. It was for a position on a committee dealing with curriculum for our local school board. I got a big fat NO earlier this week in the form of a "We appreciate your interest...yadda, yadda, yadda--yeah, yeah, yeah..." letter.

Years ago I was told by people-in-the-know (I wonder how they get in-the-know) that the school board will never appoint teachers to any advisory positions. Hey, I'm no longer a teacher in the system, just an ordinary citizen ready to help. NO!!! Rejection....

The second one came from a children's magazine. I wrote a smokin' hot article tailored to their needs. It was really, really, really good. Or, so I thought. I got another big fat NO in the form of a "Thank you for your submission...yadda, yadda, yadda...good luck on your writing quest...yeah, yeah, yeah..." letter.

I can handle rejection. But, two in one week is a blow to the ego.

Truthfully, I was grateful that I didn't get chosen to sit on the curriculum committee. I think it's time to drop that part of my life and seek other venues.

The rejection of my manuscript hurt. It makes me question myself as a writer. Am I good enough? Am I fooling myself? Should I pursue something else?

Then I quiet down and listen to my inner voice. I have learned in life that if I ignore what it is telling me I am going in the wrong direction. So I listen. It tells me to keep trying. To write. To write what is in my heart. So I continue...

I have a saying that I read periodically. It say: Be courageous -- walk by faith, not sight.


  1. The real failures are those who never try, right? Like the story about the man who prayed and prayed and prayed to God that he would win the lottery, and after years of praying and not winning, the clouds parted and God spoke to the man and said: Hey, it would really help if you bought a ticket.

  2. I love that joke. That's why I keep submitting. Can't get published unless I "cast my bread to the waters."
