Thursday, June 30, 2011

The SCBWI conference that I attended last weekend was informative, but exhausting. Why do they have to be so far away?

I attended the YA workshop with one fine author and editor as the facilitators. I should be writing but bought a book by the author and can't put it down. That's my goal -- to write a page turner.

Ann Sparrow was over yesterday. She's the co-author of my (our) latest book. It's coming together well. I guess the old saying 'two heads are better than one' works with us. I'm trying to balance my day between writing and reading.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Day after tomorrow I head up to Orlando to another SCBWI conference. Well, this one is a workshop. It's not as detailed as the January conference, but fun and full of information. It makes me remember why I write.

I'm going with my writing partner and good friend. We will have hours in the car to plot and outline our latest book. It's going to be a good one!! But, you know what they say: All work and no play.

We are taking some time to enjoy Universal. I don't think I've ever been there. Sure, I've done the Disney route, but not this one. Of course, July and Orlando are a hot combination. Yesterday the weatherman reported that the "heat index" was 101 degrees. Holy sweating...and sunblock, Batman. That's pretty darn HOT.

I hope the topics in the workshop are just as hot. It's like getting a six month booster shot of enthusiasm.

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Phil - GO, PACK, GO!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


My good friend and I started writing our book yesterday.

Oh, my goodness -- you know that old expression: Two heads are better than one. What a truth that is. Ideas flow like crazy when we are together. It is my hope that we can get the first draft completed by the end of the summer. It's going to take some serious concentration on my part. I'm not one of those people that can just sit down and write. It has to flow from a place deep within.

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This widow business is exhausting. I have already run up against some men who are condescending. Makes me crazy. I want to yell -- I'm not stupid -- quite the tip toe act and talk to me.

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Good Morning Phil,

Remember what Vince Lombardi always said: It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up.

I want you to know that we are all okay. Sad, missing you so very much, but okay. The kids call cool is that. 


Sunday, June 12, 2011


Yeah!! My muse is back and ideas are spilling out of my brain faster than I can type.

I want to do so much writing now, I definitely have to let go of all this grief and put my energies into penning new stories.

There are some of the ideas I have been toying with...

1. I want to write emergent readers. I had an idea pop into my head in the middle of the night. Thank goodness I keep paper and pen on my nightstand. The only problem is trying to decipher my handwriting in the morning.

2. I want to learn how to write poetry. I know the children's industry frowns on rhyming, but I think it is so necessary for phonemic awareness. Rhymes are fun and a great way to play with our language.

3. This is a biggie:  I had dinner with a friend last night and we came up with the coolest idea for a Y.A. novel. We plan to write it together...under an uber cool pen name. Oh, I can't wait to start on this one.

I had originally planned to write books for young readers. (See #1 above), but I really, really like writing novels. I can transport myself into another world and have so much fun interacting with my characters. I'm excited to take this new adventure with a friend.

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Phil this is for you:

As Vince Lombardi once said: Life's battles don't always go to the stronger of faster man, but soon or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.

And, Phil, you know what we always say: GO, PACK, GO!!! I love and miss you so very much. I will carry the Packer torch for you.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I have a personal saying: When life throws you a curve ball, you need to know how to field it.

Well, I got a curve ball thrown my way -- a fastball -- and it was a doozie. My biggest fan, my husband, passed away. It has shaken up my muse and at the moment I am not writing.

The past two weeks have been filled with family and friends and decisions ... my mind is calm in spite of it all. I am lucky to have a faith and a philosophy that keeps me centered.

My lovely husband is in the arms of angels. I have a feeling he may just push my muse aside and prod me on to better stories. Remember -- he was my biggest fan -- and had more faith in me than I did.

I am presently living by these words: Easy does it. I am taking life one day at a time...solving one problem at a time...and will begin writing one page at a time.

The angels embrace you, Phil. A beautiful man that was truly larger than life. Your mission on this earth is complete. Heaven rejoices.