Monday, August 29, 2011


Gosh, I can't remember if I told you this. And, I'm too lazy to go back and re-read my blah, blah, blogs and double check. So here goes...

I have a philosophy that if I don't send in finished manuscripts and I just let them sit in some obscure folder on my computer they are already rejected. By me! Self-rejection.

So, today I took a deep breath, wrote a cover letter and sent in my latest picture book manuscript. Yes, you heard it right. PICTURE BOOK. My nemesis ... the thing I have the most trouble writing. According to the submission guidelines, it will be about six to eight months before I hear anything. So while I next philosophy...

After submitting a manuscript either via snail mail or e-mail I file it away and begin another book. I don't dwell on it or stand by the mailbox waiting for the mailman. It is fruitless since I find patience a necessary component in the publishing industry.

Right now, all my manuscripts are somewhere in the world of publishing gathering mold in the slush pile. But, they are out there -- waiting -- to be discovered. And I continue to write and submit and wait and hope...that editor will smile and give me a call. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011


I'm bogged down with my writing and I don't know why.

I lied, I do know why.

I am doubting myself and my ability. I love the book I am presently writing, but am not sure where to take it. The more I write, the more ideas that flood into my thoughts. A good thing, of course, but sometimes too many ideas make for a scattered boggy manuscript. And that's where I am.

I have been thinking of creating three or four files for the same book -- and then in each manuscript take it in different directions. But, that goes against one of my philosophies: Keep It Simple Susan.

I'm also considering re-writing my first novel in first person. I watched a video with a famous author who said that middle grade novels must be written in first person. Gads, that is definitely not keeping my writing life simple.

Oh what to do, what to do?

On the other side of the coin is my dreaded picture book manuscript that I like, but an editor may use as scrap paper for his latest to-do list.

I read some very good advice on the net the other day regarding word choice for picture books. BAM - I'm trying to kick it up a notch, but somehow it just doesn't sound good enough to me.

Perhaps I'm trying to do too much at one time.

So I must remember: KISS!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


It's raining today. No walk on the beach, no IPOD music, no exercising the brain. So, I am staring out the window hoping for a clever thought.


This is what editors want: fun, quirky, edgy, strong narrative voices, memorable characters, humorous fiction, mystery, suspense, classic novels, fresh goes on and on.

You know what, so do I, that's why I'm staring out the window. I'm looking for a fun, quirky, edgy, strong, memorable character. I presently have one named Kat. She's definitely edgy and memorable.

But I want, no need, more. My life has slowed down quite a bit in the past few weeks and I want to fill it with ... you got it ... fun, quirky, edgy, strong, memorable characters. I need some new friends to live in my mind and help me find a new "normal" in life.

If you know someone, pass them along to me...

Monday, August 8, 2011


Happiness is being back on track.

My muse is working overtime and so am I.

Today I am stopping at the post office and mailing a manuscript to an editor that spoke at the latest SCBWI conference.

Hold onto your hats -- it's a picture book manuscript. Yep, the kind that gives me the most trouble...and my critique group the fodder for confetti. But, ya' know what. I gotta do it. I'll never get far writing and leaving my stories on the computer. I call that self-rejection.

I'm meeting with my fellow co-conspirator ... oops ... I mean fellow co-writer this week to continue on the YA novel we are drafting.

I just finished reading a book on teen alcoholism that gave me direction for this story. Gosh, there is so much info and so many ways to go ... how cool is that!

In the continuing race to beat my brother to publication, I tripped. I sent him a lead on an agent looking for boy-related manuscripts.

Pat, pat, pat -- that's me patting myself on the back for being such a good sister.

But, I have a feeling that he will ignore my great find and still self-publish. He's impatient. 

But, most of all -- happiness is a great friend who is my writing partner...
and a great brother that keeps me writing...and a muse that keeps me enthusiastic...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


People tell me I'm competitive. You be the judge.

My brother and I are competing to see who can get published first.

It has to be a book.

We've both published in magazines, so we are going the one step further. He has been visiting for the past 10 days. He needed time to focus on his second novel and just write without interruption. He wanted me to read it when he finished. I did. And, darn, it's good -- really good. I gave him some feedback -- so I should get some credit if the book gets published. But, wait a minute...he is looking into e-publishing/self-publishing. "THAT DOESN'T COUNT," I told him. It must be traditional publishing to WIN. I'm not competitive, am I?

He and I wrote a poem for a contest.

I HOPE I WIN. I'm not competitive, am I?

Anyway, if I do win, I'm going to split the money with him. I sent the poem in yesterday, but won't hear anything until after the first of the year. Gosh, it's good enough to take first place, really it is! I'm not too competitive, am I?

On the flip side, I play dominoes once a week with friends. I ALWAYS WIN. My friends tell me I thrive on competition. I wonder where they got that idea.