Tuesday, August 16, 2011


It's raining today. No walk on the beach, no IPOD music, no exercising the brain. So, I am staring out the window hoping for a clever thought.


This is what editors want: fun, quirky, edgy, strong narrative voices, memorable characters, humorous fiction, mystery, suspense, classic novels, fresh voices...it goes on and on.

You know what, so do I, that's why I'm staring out the window. I'm looking for a fun, quirky, edgy, strong, memorable character. I presently have one named Kat. She's definitely edgy and memorable.

But I want, no need, more. My life has slowed down quite a bit in the past few weeks and I want to fill it with ... you got it ... fun, quirky, edgy, strong, memorable characters. I need some new friends to live in my mind and help me find a new "normal" in life.

If you know someone, pass them along to me...

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