Thursday, September 8, 2011


I don't know about you, but when ideas hit me, I have to grab the nearest pencil and search for a piece of paper and write them down. If not, they fly out of my head and I am left with a frown trying to retrieve that great idea.

Ideas come in the most unusual places for me.

That's why I keep a pad of paper and pen in my car. I don't text and drive -- nor do I write and drive. I wait for traffic lights and pray the thought stays. But, then with all the stop lights in my community, there's a pretty good chance that I will be able to remember my musings. I jot them down quickly keeping a close eye on the cars around me. Honk, honk. Oops, I better get going.

I keep a journal and pen by my bedside. Oh my, I get so many thoughts in the middle of the night. My muse must be a night person -- I'm not. I reach out, grab the pen and scribble...hoping that I can read it in the morning.

The most unusual place I received inspiration was in church. Not the spiritual kind of revelation, but about a mouse and a cat and a fair. What to do, what to do? I spotted a pen in the pew in front of me and a discarded bulletin. Ah, ha!!! I picked up the pen and began to write. Can you imagine what the people around me must have thought. Oh well, a writers got to do what a writers got to do. 

Of course, my best source of inspiration is my morning walk and meditation. Thank goodness my I-Pod has a recorder. I can record my thoughts and exercise at the same time. How cool is that!

Sun's up and I'm on my way out the door to the beach!!! Here's hoping that I can figure out what happens to the mouse and the cat at the fair. 

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