Monday, November 28, 2011


Lordy, I just can't seem to get to blogging as often as I like.


Life keeps getting in the way.

Geez, I have even neglected my writing.


You guessed it -- LIFE and all its many chores.

So much to do, so little time.

AS far as my writing goes -- just about everything I have finished is out there. Somewhere in publishing-ville waiting for someone to discover it.

I have a new idea and am trying to take it one story at a time instead of turning on all my computers and running back and forth like a crazy person.

But, in the midst of the writing and the running and my muse muddling my brain -- life keeps getting in the way.

WAIT A MINUTE. My life is fabulous -- I like it to get in the way. This is more of my family at Thanksgiving. How cool are they!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011



Look for your story, "Patchwork Platypus,"
on Nov 22, 2011 at

Be sure to share the link with your friends, so they can "vote"!
1 comment = 1 vote, and 1 link to the story = 2 votes
Voting will remain active for 7 days after your story is posted.

Oh, Yeah!!! How cool is this. Please vote. I think I win some money if you do.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Dang, just received a "na, na, na boo, boo" e-mail from my brother. He has an agent interested in his latest manuscript.

Okay, it's good, really good. Looks like he is going to win the sibling publishing race.

Drat, I wonder how crow tastes.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


My goal this week was to finish a poem I've been working on for months.

A poem, you say, can't be that hard. What's taking so long?

Two things.

One, I can't write poetry, so it's like trudging through mud up to my waist to get the rhythm and rhyme correct.

Secondly, life keeps getting in the way.

Take today, for instance...Writing poetry was number one on my to-do list. I always make a list. There is something about looking at it that spurs me on.

So, there I am standing ... staring at my list ... making up rhymes in my head when my brother calls. He has just written his opening chapter to his latest novel for the gazillionth time and wants me to read it and call him right back. (See previous blog on BROTHERS EAT DIRT).

Being the dutiful sister, I head to the computer when the phone rings -- again. It's my neighbor in medical distress and wants me to drive her to the hospital.

Being the dutiful neighbor, I head downstairs and off we go. Suddenly panic hits me...we are at the start of our season and the best way to get seen in the emergency room is by ambulance. Oh, no, I can't disguise my car as an ambulance.

We get to the hospital and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait. God it was sucky. But after I told the nurse I thought my neighbor was close to a stroke (a little wee fib) they put her in a hallway bed.

Oops, gotta go. I'd finish this, but I just got a call from the hospital -- my neighbor is ready to come home.

BTW: My blogging class was awesome. See what I learned.

I can put in pictures. How cool is that!! (Thanks, Doug) --This is my family!! Eight kids and twelve grandkids and a couple of brothers thrown in (don't forget the blog BROTHERS EAT DIRT). Ah, life is good...but busy.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I'm taking a course today at my local university on ... ta, da ... blogging. Do you think my blog will improve?

Jeez, I hope so.

Standby and see what tomorrow brings!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


From Sweet Home Alabama to Home Sweet Home.

I'm back in Florida and rarin' to go.

While away I was able to work with my granddaughter's poetry class. I had them help me with an ending to a poem that was causing me angst. They came up with a fabulous finish -- look out publishers here I come.

While away my latest copy of the SCBWI Bulletin arrived. I note that Scholastic is looking for teachers to write for them. Hmmm, sounds like something right up my alley. But, now I have to put together a resume and sent it in.

Will I do it?

You bet!!! No guts, no glory.

I have needed something new to jump start my writing. This may just be the ticket. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I'm in Alabama! How cool is that!!

Well, pretty darn cool to be exact -- the days are chilly, and the nights are cold, cold, cold. I'm loving the weather and marveling at the fall colors.

Am I getting any writing done? Nope. I'm enjoying my family. And, not to brag, but WOW can they write. Books, stories, poetry -- you name it, they can write it. I'm soaking up all the pride they have as they share their work with me.

Being here is like a breath of fresh air (okay, it's cliche-ish)...but true. I am resting -- something I desperately needed. I giving my brain a break and editing a book for my church. It's fun to put my creativity to work in another venue. The text is done, I'm just formatting it and adding pictures. Easy, peasey.

Now, no one has ever experienced Halloween until they come to the small college town of Jacksonville, Alabama. OMG -- it was an incredible sight...over 1,000 costumed children, teens and parents marched up the walkway to get treats last night. There has to be a story there -- somewhere. I'll let my muse mull it over and let me know the direction to take.

This morning on my 32 degree walk up and down treacherous hills a small kitten followed us all the way home.  He couldn't stay -- it made me sad to see this lost baby. But,there's another idea for a story. Come on, muse, get to work.

Oh how I love Alabama -- my second home -- sweet home Alabama!