Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I'm in Alabama! How cool is that!!

Well, pretty darn cool to be exact -- the days are chilly, and the nights are cold, cold, cold. I'm loving the weather and marveling at the fall colors.

Am I getting any writing done? Nope. I'm enjoying my family. And, not to brag, but WOW can they write. Books, stories, poetry -- you name it, they can write it. I'm soaking up all the pride they have as they share their work with me.

Being here is like a breath of fresh air (okay, it's cliche-ish)...but true. I am resting -- something I desperately needed. I giving my brain a break and editing a book for my church. It's fun to put my creativity to work in another venue. The text is done, I'm just formatting it and adding pictures. Easy, peasey.

Now, no one has ever experienced Halloween until they come to the small college town of Jacksonville, Alabama. OMG -- it was an incredible sight...over 1,000 costumed children, teens and parents marched up the walkway to get treats last night. There has to be a story there -- somewhere. I'll let my muse mull it over and let me know the direction to take.

This morning on my 32 degree walk up and down treacherous hills a small kitten followed us all the way home.  He couldn't stay -- it made me sad to see this lost baby. But,there's another idea for a story. Come on, muse, get to work.

Oh how I love Alabama -- my second home -- sweet home Alabama!

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