Monday, February 28, 2011


Oh, my goodness, one of my stories has been picked up by a MAJOR children's magazine publishing company. I am soooo excited.

As for the MARATHON. Today is the last day and I didn't get all the necessary - 30 - manuscripts finished. But there are a lot of ideas floating around in my computer file.

Friday, February 18, 2011


So, how's it working for me? You know, THE MARATHON.

I have 30 picture books in my file now. Count them three--zero. 30.


Don't be. Only eleven are finished--and ready for editing and revision. The rest are in various stages of completion. Some have beginnings and middles. Some have beginnings and ends. One has just a title.

I'm never going to complete this MARATHON with 26 finished, completed, all done--stories. But, at least I am trying.

I'd rather try and fail to reach the magical 26, then just sit and stare at a blank computer screen.

In a weird sort of way it reminds me of people I know who are afraid to submit their manuscripts for fear of rejection. Don't they realize that the manuscript is already rejected--- self-rejection. It's like expecting to win the lottery and not buying a ticket.

How's it working for me? You know, THE MARATHON.

Not bad. In spite of my lack of "keeping up." Not bad at all.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Oh, my gosh. I am riding on a high. I just received an e-mail from Writer's Digest stating that I have won 24th place in their 11th Annual Writer's Digest Short Short Story Competition. HOW VERY COOL IS THAT!!!

When I get a rejection letter I want to throw up my hands and forget this entire profession. In my head I know it just wasn't the right story for that particular publishing house at that time. But, the longest distance in the world is from the head to the heart. And, in my heart I tell myself ... Why try, you can't write anything.

Well, well, well -- NOW -- The flood of doubt is finally washed away.


Okay, enough procrastination -- back to the picture book MARATHON.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Click, click, click...

Do you hear it?

That's the sound of the private investigator my husband hired. He thinks I'm having an affair with my computer.

       ...Click, click...

And, he says he has the pictures to prove it.

I tried to reassure my loving, concerned husband that the steam coming from my laptop is just the friction generated from my fingers frantically typing for a picture book MARATHON. 

He eyes my keyboard with suspicion. "You don't write picture books."

"I know, but I am doing this for practice." I turn back to the screen and stare and stare and stare.

Beep, beep, beep...

Do you hear it?

That's the sound of my husband dialing the phone. He whispers, "I think it's some kind of a addiction."

I strain to hear the rest. OMG, he's calling some reality show called, "Intervention."

Am I addicted to writing?

I wouldn't go that far. After all, Those words and phrases that tumble out of my head have to go somewhere. And it takes time, doesn't it?


Do you hear it?

That's my husband clearing his throat.

I look up and he is standing over me with a piece of paper in his hands. He drops it on the keyboard and says, "Read this."

It's entitled, "Ten Symptoms to Computer Addiction."

I read it and realize that





                                   the computer,

But, I may have a little problem with with the word demons that haunt me. So, I switch off my laptop. Smile at my husband and go for a walk. Before leaving, I slip my recorder in my pocket. Those words have to go somewhere.

Damn, that investigator is following me...



Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Whew, I'm finding writing an entire picture book - EVERYDAY - beginning to end - quite a formidable task.

Pressure does me no good. I'm like the tortoise...I keep plodding along. Putting one foot in front of the other. I can't run a fast race. My brain doesn't work that way. Try to push too much and the old cranium shuts down. So, what do I do to get 26 of these books written in the allotted time frame.

I write down every idea I have. Then I sketch out a beginning, middle and hopefully a dynamite ending. Does it come together every time. Of course, not!

I put every thought in my "Picture Book" folder - even if it's one word.

Then I begin to write - one thought, one word, one sentence, one story at a time. NO PRESSURE, I tell myself.

I may not complete an entire book in one day, but that's okay. This marathon is for me to stretch, not stress.

If I am to succeed, I must keep life in balance.

BTW: I find writing in my blah, blah, blog another way to procrastinate. Maybe I should figure out how to write a book on procrastination. Maybe tomorrow.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Oh, boy, two great ideas!!!!

They came to me in the middle of the night -- thank goodness my pad and pencil were alert and ready-- at attention--waiting on my night stand for my brilliant words.  Okay, okay, my ...I hope can make them out in the morning--scribbles.

UP AND AT EM'...5:00

Walk and feed dogs...

      Sunday paper and coffee...

               Decipher not-so-brilliant words on night stand...                

                           Make a diagram, list of words, WHATEVER to jump start the brain.


Sit at desk...

        Turn on computer...

                 Log in...

                          Stare at screen (a good procrastination tool)...

                                      NO!!!!  DON'T GO THERE...

                                                   Open e-mail (a great procrastination tool)


Open Word...

       Stare at blank computer page.


For me, titles are difficult to discover, but today ... not a problem. I had a great title. But, the hook. God, I hate the hook. I choked.

In a running marathon, it's leg cramps. In my Picture Book MARATHON, it's a brain cramp.

I couldn't think of a great hook.

That's okay because I knew what the middle of the book would say. So I threw my line in the water of Word hoping I could catch something without the hook. I would write this story...


I started. Not bad, not brilliant...but it's a start.

I still haven't got a hook.  So I hope this one isn't a stinker.

Tonight my pad and pencil will be beside me...on the nightstand...waiting in hopes of that hook that will make an editor drool. 



Friday, February 4, 2011


Off and running.

For any marathoner, the warm up is important. Runners stretch and do whatever is necessary before beginning the long jog.

Since I am a creature of habit my warm up begins at 5:00 in the morning. Whoa, that's crazy early, but important for coming up with those creative, "marathony" ideas.

First things first. I walk and feed the dogs.

Next comes coffee (caffeine -- nectar of the marathoning Gods) and with it, the newspaper.
In addition, I read from a book I have entitled, How To Write a Children's Picture Book, Volume I: Structure. It helps me keep focused.

Then the real warm up begins with mind stretches. Here's a  little trick I learned at my latest SCBWI conference: Open journal, pick up pencil and write ten titles - FAST - without thought. You would be amazed at what comes out. Sometimes gibberish, but other times a spark of inspiration.

Now, turn on the computer. Resist the urge...but as a creature of habit, I need to check e-mail.

7:00 and I'm still not in writing mode. Need to do one more warm up activity: WALKING. That's when the real work starts for me. I lace up my sneakers, pop in the ear buds, turn on my I-Pod and GO. My muse works best on that walk--tickling my ear, poking my brain and voila...ideas pour in.

I'm listening to a song by Air Supply called Lost in Love. Suddenly the word LOST pushes into the forefront of my thoughts.

Lost!!! Who? A boy, a girl, a dog? Where? In the forest, in the toy store, on a mountail trail. What happens? I have the problem. What's the solution.

Stop the music!!!! Turn on recorder and talk, talk, talk...

Now, I'm ready to write.

8:00 I'm home.

               And pumped.

                       Open Word. Type...type....type.

                                I'm on my way to another manuscript.







Thursday, February 3, 2011


Pant, pant, pant...

Puff, puff, puff...

The MARATHON - Day 3.

If you are a regular reader of my blah, blah, blog, you may want to suspend reading for the month of February.

I have sent this blog-spot to the organizers of the Picture Book Marathon and that will be my only focus this month.

If you are in the marathon and happen to peek at this blog, DO NOT read previous postings.  IMPORTANT...even if you are tempted, do not go back. It's a scary world in blogland.

Since this is my first (remember don't go back) entry about the MARATHON. I decided to let you know why I decided to enter -- since picture book writing is not my forte.

I am presently finishing up a YA novel...and -- hey -- this is a good way to procrastinate.

In reality, for me, it's a good way to stretch my imagination, my abilities and a great discipline tool.

To prep for this I took advantage of my volunteering. I teach reading to those pre-schoolers who are ready. Each time we are together I ask them to brainstorm with me. What do you like to do? What makes you happy? What scares you? From the answers I receive I get words and phrases that kick start my brain. Ideas flow and I think that maybe, just maybe, I can put together one picture book of substance.

My next step -- a trip to Barnes and Noble to read the latest picture book. And a trek to the library to read as many as I can at one sitting. At B&N I find out what is current and who is publishing these books. At the library I study the rhyme and rhythm...the flow necessary for a good picture book.

At home, I open my binder that contains all sorts of words...action verbs, adjectives, sounds...and read...looking for ideas.

Tomorrow I will let you in on my daily secrets.

Puff, puff, puff...

Pant, pant, pant...

Off I go...