Thursday, February 3, 2011


Pant, pant, pant...

Puff, puff, puff...

The MARATHON - Day 3.

If you are a regular reader of my blah, blah, blog, you may want to suspend reading for the month of February.

I have sent this blog-spot to the organizers of the Picture Book Marathon and that will be my only focus this month.

If you are in the marathon and happen to peek at this blog, DO NOT read previous postings.  IMPORTANT...even if you are tempted, do not go back. It's a scary world in blogland.

Since this is my first (remember don't go back) entry about the MARATHON. I decided to let you know why I decided to enter -- since picture book writing is not my forte.

I am presently finishing up a YA novel...and -- hey -- this is a good way to procrastinate.

In reality, for me, it's a good way to stretch my imagination, my abilities and a great discipline tool.

To prep for this I took advantage of my volunteering. I teach reading to those pre-schoolers who are ready. Each time we are together I ask them to brainstorm with me. What do you like to do? What makes you happy? What scares you? From the answers I receive I get words and phrases that kick start my brain. Ideas flow and I think that maybe, just maybe, I can put together one picture book of substance.

My next step -- a trip to Barnes and Noble to read the latest picture book. And a trek to the library to read as many as I can at one sitting. At B&N I find out what is current and who is publishing these books. At the library I study the rhyme and rhythm...the flow necessary for a good picture book.

At home, I open my binder that contains all sorts of words...action verbs, adjectives, sounds...and read...looking for ideas.

Tomorrow I will let you in on my daily secrets.

Puff, puff, puff...

Pant, pant, pant...

Off I go...

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