Friday, February 18, 2011


So, how's it working for me? You know, THE MARATHON.

I have 30 picture books in my file now. Count them three--zero. 30.


Don't be. Only eleven are finished--and ready for editing and revision. The rest are in various stages of completion. Some have beginnings and middles. Some have beginnings and ends. One has just a title.

I'm never going to complete this MARATHON with 26 finished, completed, all done--stories. But, at least I am trying.

I'd rather try and fail to reach the magical 26, then just sit and stare at a blank computer screen.

In a weird sort of way it reminds me of people I know who are afraid to submit their manuscripts for fear of rejection. Don't they realize that the manuscript is already rejected--- self-rejection. It's like expecting to win the lottery and not buying a ticket.

How's it working for me? You know, THE MARATHON.

Not bad. In spite of my lack of "keeping up." Not bad at all.

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