Friday, January 18, 2013


I really, really need to start blah, blah, blogging. I've taken on so many jobs that my writing has taken a backseat. Can you tell, since I need to pick up the pace with blogging?

One major reason for not writing is--drum roll, please -- My book, Only Losers Cry, is close to production.

I was soooo sick of looking at the manuscript--editing--revising--making sure there were no mistakes (and it's amazing how many I found). Reading it over and over again!  Gag. Then it came -- THE BOOK. I was sent a copy of the book to proof one last time. How cool is that!!! This time I sat down as a reader not the author and read THE BOOK.  And, you know what, I loved it. I have to love it. If not how could I even begin to sell it (a very scary thought!!! Where are you, Phil, when I need you).

The cover is very cool...the back very cool...the insides...very cool.

I gave it to a friend of mine to read it. She didn't return it right away, so my inner critic took over..."Oh, no she hates it and doesn't want to tell me." Then the doorbell rang and there she stood, book in hand. I took a deep breath. She looked me in the eye and said, "I loved it. I want ten copies."

I said, "Are you just saying that because you're my friend."

"I would tell you if it wasn't good. And, this is really, really good."

Do I believe her? Yep, I do. And I believe in myself and my book. If not why would I put it out there for the world to read (and possibly judge).

I have received some marketing stuff -- not sure how to use it. Once the book is in production, the marketing people are going to call me and let me know what I have to do to sell the book.

PHIL ----- Where are you?????   HELP!!!!!!!


  1. When will it be available for purchase? Also, if it gets picked up by a mainstream publisher, will you win your bet with Dean?

  2. I'm not sure when it will be available for purchase, but I will have advanced copies. I plan on sending one to Cat, my writing granddaughter!!!

    As for my bet. Hmmm.
