Sunday, December 12, 2010


Writing a book is a piece of cake!! Really, it is. It's the editing and revision that the real work begins. At least that's been my experience until....

I had to write a query letter. You know that letter that is suppose grab an editor or agent with a brilliantly ten worded sentence that tells them what my 100,000 word manuscript is all about...God, it's impossible. I spent the past two days trying to write an enticing, cleverly worded, intelligent query letter. I went on the internet and read all the advice on how to write one. I combed over the examples of excellent letters. I wrote and rewrote and rewrote and rewrote. And, still I couldn't get it right. So, you know what I did....

I sent it anyway.


I have a theory about all this writing and publishing stuff. I've heard that publishing through traditional means (as opposed to self-publishing) is like trying to win the Powerball Lottery. But, one cannot win the lottery unless one buys a ticket. So, I do the best I can and buy a ticket...or rather send in queries and manuscripts. One day, I may just be lucky enough to hit the jackpot!

If you are stuck in the fear of rejection, you have already been rejected. Think about it.

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