Monday, December 6, 2010


I have written a fabulous book. A multicultural themed story that can be translated in any language - international appeal, how cool is that?? Even the query letter was easy to write. What a sell - finally the one book that will open doors for me.

Of course, I know the drill. I googled the category to see if there were any books like mine. NONE!!! Yeah, I am really onto something. $$$$$$$$.

I was just about to take this one to my critique group. Oh, they would be amazed by my creativity, my genius, my discovery! Then I had a thought - I'd better google the title - just in case.

AND THERE IT WAS - the title of my book. The exact words. What! This can't be. It was my idea!! My title. My book. But, it wasn't a book, it was a song. Unfortunately for me, it was a song with the same title as my book.

PSSST. That's the sound of my ego deflating. My creative genius took a nose dive. I read the words to the song - different than my manuscript. It didn't matter - the idea, the title, were already taken.

I've always like the expression: A day late and a dollar short. For me, as a writer, I was a year late and a title short. The song was written in 2009 - close but no cigar.

How do I deal with this blow. I will start over. The idea is good - Okay, maybe not creative or genius, but I can make it work. How? Think of a new title. And re-write the story. And, hope the new title doesn't come up when I google it.

I should have known - it was too easy to write. Too easy to come up with the perfect query letter. Nothing worthwhile in this life comes easy. So it's back to the drawing board...or the computer for me.

BTW: My brother and I are in competion to see who gets published first. He has finished his first book and it's a good one...really, really well written. I secretly hope it is published soon. I love my brother and think he is a genius when it comes to putting words on paper. But, don't tell him I said so.

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