Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Whew, I'm finding writing an entire picture book - EVERYDAY - beginning to end - quite a formidable task.

Pressure does me no good. I'm like the tortoise...I keep plodding along. Putting one foot in front of the other. I can't run a fast race. My brain doesn't work that way. Try to push too much and the old cranium shuts down. So, what do I do to get 26 of these books written in the allotted time frame.

I write down every idea I have. Then I sketch out a beginning, middle and hopefully a dynamite ending. Does it come together every time. Of course, not!

I put every thought in my "Picture Book" folder - even if it's one word.

Then I begin to write - one thought, one word, one sentence, one story at a time. NO PRESSURE, I tell myself.

I may not complete an entire book in one day, but that's okay. This marathon is for me to stretch, not stress.

If I am to succeed, I must keep life in balance.

BTW: I find writing in my blah, blah, blog another way to procrastinate. Maybe I should figure out how to write a book on procrastination. Maybe tomorrow.

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