Sunday, December 4, 2011


I find myself in computer nervana. Sitting between two computers and two stories to write, I slide back and forth like a pendulum in a Poe's tale.

One story is a re-write of a middle grade novel I finished a couple years ago. It's a good story. Really it is -- I know I'm prejudice, but hey, if I didn't like it why re-write it.

What isn't working is the first chapter. It sucks. And we all know that is where your novel makes it or breaks it with an editor or agent. So, I decided to change the entire book from third person to first person. I'm enjoying the experience because I can release my inner rebelious teenager.

I'm trying to address adoption in the other story. It will be a dreaded picture book. Right now I'm gathering information and writing in threes -- using animals. I'm not sure the direction to take it, so just writing until my muse figures it out. The question I'm pondering is exactly what "threes" to use...three forest animals, three sea animals and three air animals. Or do I go with animals from different regions of the world -- Asian animals, African animals, South American animals. I started with a bear, a deer and a fox. BORING.Too common, so I think --- even though --- I will leave the everyday animals in...I am going to add ones children don't normally find in a book. 

Back and forth, back and forth -- I'm getting dizzy. Are two computers better than one?

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