Sunday, March 13, 2011


Oh, my goodness -- I have blog block. Similar to writer's block, blog block means I have nothing to say...can't think of anything to say...but am going to write anyway. So, you can stop reading here--everything beyond this is minutia, dribble, aka crap.

I am using this time to avoid working on my book. It's pretty much finished. The beginning is awesome, the middle not bad, but the end is boring with a capital B. I have the worst time with endings. Go figure. I need to jump in with all ten fingers and flesh it out...make it intriguing...but instead I procrastinate.

Somehow I think if I just keep typing something spectacular will jump into my head and the perfect ending will flow. But, just ain't happening. So I procrastinate.

I have found a mind numbing procrastination technique: Computer games - Now there's a way to kill time - a mineless waste.

Some productive procrastination...Housecleaning - at least I have a neat house to show for it.
Or here's one weighty way to keep myself from working. I do, however, send the finished product with my husband to the diaylsis clinic. They appreciate my offering and I don't eat it.

See didn't I tell you it was a waste of time reading this.

I am going to stop and take a walk. In reality that is the best thing for me. I come up with the greatest ideas when I am outside, on the beach and letting my muse in. Of course it hasn't whispered anything to me lately, but I know I just need to let go and be patient.

Here's hoping that today...inspiration tickles my brain.

1 comment:

  1. Blog block on a blog about writer's block? ::grinning:: You certainly found enough to say about it, though. There is something about nature for allowing the inspiration to tickle the brain. Thanks for confirming that it's okay to clean, bake, or go for a walk while thinking about something to write about. Looking forward to your next post!
