Tuesday, August 2, 2011


People tell me I'm competitive. You be the judge.

My brother and I are competing to see who can get published first.

It has to be a book.

We've both published in magazines, so we are going the one step further. He has been visiting for the past 10 days. He needed time to focus on his second novel and just write without interruption. He wanted me to read it when he finished. I did. And, darn, it's good -- really good. I gave him some feedback -- so I should get some credit if the book gets published. But, wait a minute...he is looking into e-publishing/self-publishing. "THAT DOESN'T COUNT," I told him. It must be traditional publishing to WIN. I'm not competitive, am I?

He and I wrote a poem for a contest.

I HOPE I WIN. I'm not competitive, am I?

Anyway, if I do win, I'm going to split the money with him. I sent the poem in yesterday, but won't hear anything until after the first of the year. Gosh, it's good enough to take first place, really it is! I'm not too competitive, am I?

On the flip side, I play dominoes once a week with friends. I ALWAYS WIN. My friends tell me I thrive on competition. I wonder where they got that idea.

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