Friday, October 1, 2010


I walk to the beach every day. It holds a plethora of sensory input—a writer’s dream. I would love to take my laptop with me. Sitting at a table sipping coffee, I would scan the horizon watching the sun dance on the ripples and marvel as the dolphins arc out of the water. I would close my eyes and listen. I would lift the lid of my shiny red computer and magically turn that beauty into text. My fingers would skitter across the keyboard capturing the sights, sounds, smells, even the taste of the warm air and feel of the gritty sand, but, alas, it eludes me at times.

I snap pictures with my cell phone so I can remember the sights. Take today, for instance. The water appeared silver, oh, so smooth, not a wrinkle on the horizon. Brown pelicans skimmed the surface looking for their breakfast. Tiny waves rolled on shore, their foam kissing the feet of the sandpipers as they skittered along the sand. The air hung so heavy with a salty scent that I could almost taste it.

But, it’s the sound of those waves that bring peace to my soul. I wish I could describe it.  I can’t. I have trouble putting “sounds” in print.

I have a notebook filled with action verbs and adjectives, but somehow it does not contain the calming sound of the rolling water as it comes to shore.

So I – clicked – onto the internet and went to google. Ah, google - so filled with information. Aha, there is was – a list of sounds. Whirr, I scroll down to find the ideal word.

Gurgle – no.

Whirr…(this is the sound of me scrolling)

Kapow – no.

Whirr…(scrolling again)

Then I see lapping. I’ve heard words like lapping used to describe waves rolling on shore. But, to me it sounds like something a cat does to milk.

Whirr, whirr – more word sounds…

Slosh – maybe.

Aarrgh, I just can’t seem to capture that sound. Oh well, I guess I will just have to record it tomorrow. ( On that device my husband bought and I forget to put in my pocket when I leave the house.)

Maybe, just maybe I can find the words...tomorrow.

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