Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I know, I know - If one writes a blog they must post something everyday or people will not read them. EVERYDAY???

OMG when does one find the time? I've been editing and revising a YA novel and trying to write an article for a children's publication. That pretty much takes my entire morning.

I go brain dead in the afternoon. My inactive brain is a result of my profession as a kindergarten teacher. I would spend seven hours a day, five days a week with five and six year old children. I loved every minute of it, but when 4:00 rolled around, my brain would take a holiday. It's a miracle I could find my way home after work - I think someone should invent a remote control car for teachers. All we would have to do is buckle up, push a button and go into the zone.  The car would maneuver its way through the traffic (and in season we have TRAFFIC), deliver us home and have a cold martini waiting. How cool would that be!!!!

Okay, so I wrote something today. It's not the best, but - hey - it's a post until I can get my brain back to some intellectual pursuit and write something of substance.

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