Saturday, September 25, 2010


I’m not big into football, but I watch an occasional game or two. I always find the strategy fascinating, especially near the end when the score teeters one way or the other. Each team tries to get close enough to the goal to score. Watching them slowly inch their way down the field in the last jaw dropping moments – and, oh, my, those last two minutes take FOREVER  – raise a fans blood pressure to near stroke level. And, finally – the kick. It seems to hang in the air as everyone holds their breath, eyes following the arc – and ta da, a win…or a lose.

Well, I’m close to the goal in my writing, but I fumbled. I have an article to write for our local newspaper, but I dropped the ball. I have written the article twice – and both times – as quarterback, I missed the mark. So, now what? I’m close to a first down, perhaps a touchdown, but the ball is as slippery as a pig at a fair. I guess – when in doubt – punt.

So I did! I have a friend in the business. I wrote her for advice. She’s a cheerleader on my team. How lucky am I? I found that surrounding myself with like minded writers enriches my life, my writing, my very soul.

Creativity is a team effort – and what a team I’m on!!! I punted, the ball is in the air – now let’s see if we can make the touchdown. Stay tuned...the clock is running...

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