It just keeps on coming. Check out the latest article I read on education:
I wonder when administrators and politicians will realize that they do not know what's good for children. Lord, they are like lemmings falling all over each other to jump off the nearest cliff of educational reform. They chase the latest fad to oblivion and refuse to see that it is the children that are hurt in the race to be the best. How stupid is that!
In my own school system -- faced with mounting research -- administrators cling to what's fashionable instead of what's right. And, as you say, Chris, why do they care...they just sit and collect their six figure salaries and pontificate.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
I'm writing away. Well, actually I'm writing while I'm away.
Don't you just love laptops? I do. I can tuck it under my arm and go anywhere with it. Seems everyone has wifi and I can connect with the Internet, keep in touch through e-mail -- oh so many possibilities.
Today is Christmas Eve. And, I am enjoying time in Tampa with my daughter and her husband. We've all been through some really bad times this year -- and they still keep coming, but together we can support each other. As my late husband use to tell the us all -- the family is a safe harbor one can go in times of trouble. He was a wise man!
When bad things happen, I make a gratitude list to remind me of what I have and not what I have lost. I won't bore you with the long list -- but in spite of the tragedies, I have abundant joy.
One joy is the research that keeps coming out that I use in my quest to reinstate recess in our early childhood programs. My school system will not change their policies in spite of the overwhelming research presented to them.
Check out: and read their latest essay titled, The Crisis in Early Education: A Research Based Case for More Play and Less Pressure.
I have been writing our school system for ten years regarding the inappropriateness of their kindergarten program. All superintendents have turned a deaf ear to my letters, except the new one that has been recently hired. She acknowledged my concern and passed it along to the Early Childhood department.
Interestingly enough, I received a politically correct (very well written) letter explaining the curriculum and how they have the perfect early childhood academic program. Sazaam -- Just the fuel I needed. This is how I responded:
Thank you for your well written letter explaining the pre-school/kindergarten curriculum. I have no reservations about the academic side of kindergarten. Although it may be developmentally appropriate as you suggest, the totality of the curriculum is missing some major pieces that are necessary for the healthy development of the "whole child."
It is true that the school system is addressing the cognitive child, but unfortunately is lacking in the social, emotional and physical aspect that is vital to early childhood education. This is found in free-choice play and recess.
For years our kindergarten children have been relegated to the classroom, saddled with a schedule that should only be reserved for middle school -- one subject taught after the other. A room filled with a dress-up corner, shelves storing building blocks and easels ready for a budding artist have been warehoused, considered useless and unproductive for today's young children. Playgrounds sit empty because more time must be designated to academic pursuits.
Research over and over again shows not only the benefit of free-choice play and recess, but it is crucial to the development of our young children. How many times have we heard the expression, "Play is the work of the child"? The desire to play is as much a part of a child's being as breathing. But today our educational system turns its back on this most basic need in the name of No Child Left Behind, standards and benchmarks. It is believed that play is a waste of time and more academics will result in higher test scores.
An article from YOUNG CHILDREN, September 2009, titled Recess -- It's Indispensable! -- refutes this notion. The article states: "We found no research to support administrators' assumptions that test scores...could be improved by keeping children in the classroom all day." The article goes on to say: "There is considerable research to suggest that recess has many benefits for young children.
This is further reinforced in the National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Department of Education Position Statement on Young Children and Recess, titled, Recess and the Importance of Play. "...the elimination of recess ... has no serious research to back it up, and is actually counterproductive to increasing the academic achievements of students." And, "There are volumes of recent research substantiating the link between play and cognitive gains...Children can remember more, focus better, and regulate their own behavior better in play than in any other context." In addition, "A wide range of social competencies -- cooperation, sharing, language, conflict resolution -- can be actively practiced, interpreted and learned in a meaningful context during recess. Through active, free play and peer interaction, children can develop respect for rules, gain self-discipline and construct an appreciation for other people's cultures and beliefs."
The National Association for the Education of Young Children agrees in their statement: Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth to 8.
" is vital for early childhood settings to provide opportunities for sustained high-level play and for teachers to actively support children's progress toward such play."
How ironic that schools claim to want what is best for a child's success and then do the opposite in early childhood programs. Our own school system includes in its belief statement, "We must base all of our decisions on evidence and the best interest of students," but ignores the American Academy of Pediatricians' 2007 report that "encourages parents to make sure their children's school programs offer more than academic preparedness...the setting should (also) attend to the social and emotional needs of the child."
The evidence linking play and cognitive development should make our administrators and legislators rethink their demands.
Children are able to stay on task longer and remember more when given recess breaks. The American Academy of Pediatricians affirms that memory and attention are improved when broken up "not by a change in academic instruction or class topic," but by physical activity.
Before you come back and explain that the children are allowed recess after lunch, let me end with this little story showing you how much pressure you are putting on our teachers and children. In one school the teachers would walk to playground to pick up their children after lunch and notice that they were just exiting the cafeteria. The kindergarteners were given the last lunch time because it took them longer to eat. When seeing that they were missing recess, the teachers decided to let them have five minutes of "after lunch" recess. When the principal discovered this he "went up like a rocket" and told his teachers that this was unacceptable. When the teachers explained the problem to the know what his answer was...get ready for this: "Make them eat faster." True story -- how sad.
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. It is my hope that you will seriously re-think your early childhood program (kindergarten and pre-school) and do what is right for our young children.
Now the ball is back in their court. I hope it my letter doesn't get lost in the Christmas break e-mails. I have asked the school system FOR YEARS to show me the research they have gathered showing an all academic kindergarten is working -- But, so far nothing.
Stay tuned and I will let you know what happens.
May God bless you this Christmas and with a New Year of health, happiness, and peace.
Don't you just love laptops? I do. I can tuck it under my arm and go anywhere with it. Seems everyone has wifi and I can connect with the Internet, keep in touch through e-mail -- oh so many possibilities.
Today is Christmas Eve. And, I am enjoying time in Tampa with my daughter and her husband. We've all been through some really bad times this year -- and they still keep coming, but together we can support each other. As my late husband use to tell the us all -- the family is a safe harbor one can go in times of trouble. He was a wise man!
When bad things happen, I make a gratitude list to remind me of what I have and not what I have lost. I won't bore you with the long list -- but in spite of the tragedies, I have abundant joy.
One joy is the research that keeps coming out that I use in my quest to reinstate recess in our early childhood programs. My school system will not change their policies in spite of the overwhelming research presented to them.
Check out: and read their latest essay titled, The Crisis in Early Education: A Research Based Case for More Play and Less Pressure.
I have been writing our school system for ten years regarding the inappropriateness of their kindergarten program. All superintendents have turned a deaf ear to my letters, except the new one that has been recently hired. She acknowledged my concern and passed it along to the Early Childhood department.
Interestingly enough, I received a politically correct (very well written) letter explaining the curriculum and how they have the perfect early childhood academic program. Sazaam -- Just the fuel I needed. This is how I responded:
Thank you for your well written letter explaining the pre-school/kindergarten curriculum. I have no reservations about the academic side of kindergarten. Although it may be developmentally appropriate as you suggest, the totality of the curriculum is missing some major pieces that are necessary for the healthy development of the "whole child."
It is true that the school system is addressing the cognitive child, but unfortunately is lacking in the social, emotional and physical aspect that is vital to early childhood education. This is found in free-choice play and recess.
For years our kindergarten children have been relegated to the classroom, saddled with a schedule that should only be reserved for middle school -- one subject taught after the other. A room filled with a dress-up corner, shelves storing building blocks and easels ready for a budding artist have been warehoused, considered useless and unproductive for today's young children. Playgrounds sit empty because more time must be designated to academic pursuits.
Research over and over again shows not only the benefit of free-choice play and recess, but it is crucial to the development of our young children. How many times have we heard the expression, "Play is the work of the child"? The desire to play is as much a part of a child's being as breathing. But today our educational system turns its back on this most basic need in the name of No Child Left Behind, standards and benchmarks. It is believed that play is a waste of time and more academics will result in higher test scores.
An article from YOUNG CHILDREN, September 2009, titled Recess -- It's Indispensable! -- refutes this notion. The article states: "We found no research to support administrators' assumptions that test scores...could be improved by keeping children in the classroom all day." The article goes on to say: "There is considerable research to suggest that recess has many benefits for young children.
This is further reinforced in the National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Department of Education Position Statement on Young Children and Recess, titled, Recess and the Importance of Play. "...the elimination of recess ... has no serious research to back it up, and is actually counterproductive to increasing the academic achievements of students." And, "There are volumes of recent research substantiating the link between play and cognitive gains...Children can remember more, focus better, and regulate their own behavior better in play than in any other context." In addition, "A wide range of social competencies -- cooperation, sharing, language, conflict resolution -- can be actively practiced, interpreted and learned in a meaningful context during recess. Through active, free play and peer interaction, children can develop respect for rules, gain self-discipline and construct an appreciation for other people's cultures and beliefs."
The National Association for the Education of Young Children agrees in their statement: Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth to 8.
" is vital for early childhood settings to provide opportunities for sustained high-level play and for teachers to actively support children's progress toward such play."
How ironic that schools claim to want what is best for a child's success and then do the opposite in early childhood programs. Our own school system includes in its belief statement, "We must base all of our decisions on evidence and the best interest of students," but ignores the American Academy of Pediatricians' 2007 report that "encourages parents to make sure their children's school programs offer more than academic preparedness...the setting should (also) attend to the social and emotional needs of the child."
The evidence linking play and cognitive development should make our administrators and legislators rethink their demands.
Children are able to stay on task longer and remember more when given recess breaks. The American Academy of Pediatricians affirms that memory and attention are improved when broken up "not by a change in academic instruction or class topic," but by physical activity.
Before you come back and explain that the children are allowed recess after lunch, let me end with this little story showing you how much pressure you are putting on our teachers and children. In one school the teachers would walk to playground to pick up their children after lunch and notice that they were just exiting the cafeteria. The kindergarteners were given the last lunch time because it took them longer to eat. When seeing that they were missing recess, the teachers decided to let them have five minutes of "after lunch" recess. When the principal discovered this he "went up like a rocket" and told his teachers that this was unacceptable. When the teachers explained the problem to the know what his answer was...get ready for this: "Make them eat faster." True story -- how sad.
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. It is my hope that you will seriously re-think your early childhood program (kindergarten and pre-school) and do what is right for our young children.
Now the ball is back in their court. I hope it my letter doesn't get lost in the Christmas break e-mails. I have asked the school system FOR YEARS to show me the research they have gathered showing an all academic kindergarten is working -- But, so far nothing.
Stay tuned and I will let you know what happens.
May God bless you this Christmas and with a New Year of health, happiness, and peace.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
For someone that really enjoys blah, blah blogging. I can't seem to get to it.
These are the things that prevent me from jumping into cyber-space:
Christmas. Just when I think I finally have my act together and everything in the mail and around the tree -- I have cards to do. You would think that's a no brainer, but my late husband was "card man." He would always get started the first of December and have the cards written, stamped and at the post office before I decorated the tree (my job). So, today I started....and oh, my where to start. Writing stories is my joy, Christmas cards -- bah, humbug.
Paperwork. Since my husband's death paperwork falls out of my mailbox like rain on a South Florida summer day. I just received notice from the tax collector that I have lost my homestead exemption and must re-apply. I have to bring in his trust and will, his death certificate, my driver's license, SS card, car registration, birth certificate, teaching certificate, passport, electric bill, water bill, sod from the front lawn, fingerprints, and two people to certify that I am who I am. I'm beginning to wonder if I am who I am.
Writing. This is the good part. I have tons of ideas!!! How cool is that!!! I am typing like crazy trying to get these ideas on paper. In addition, I queried an agent. Oh yeah -- put that in you pipe and smoke it little brother (citing blog: Brothers Eat Dirt). And, secretly rejoicing (I know it's a sin) that my brother's manuscript was turned down by the latest agent!!! He is now thinking of self-publishing. And--that does not count in the race to see who publishes first. Woo, hoo (that's the sound of secret rejoicing).
My wish to all my three readers for a joy-filled, peaceful Christmas. The birth of our savior. How wonderful is that!!!
These are the things that prevent me from jumping into cyber-space:
Christmas. Just when I think I finally have my act together and everything in the mail and around the tree -- I have cards to do. You would think that's a no brainer, but my late husband was "card man." He would always get started the first of December and have the cards written, stamped and at the post office before I decorated the tree (my job). So, today I started....and oh, my where to start. Writing stories is my joy, Christmas cards -- bah, humbug.
Paperwork. Since my husband's death paperwork falls out of my mailbox like rain on a South Florida summer day. I just received notice from the tax collector that I have lost my homestead exemption and must re-apply. I have to bring in his trust and will, his death certificate, my driver's license, SS card, car registration, birth certificate, teaching certificate, passport, electric bill, water bill, sod from the front lawn, fingerprints, and two people to certify that I am who I am. I'm beginning to wonder if I am who I am.
Writing. This is the good part. I have tons of ideas!!! How cool is that!!! I am typing like crazy trying to get these ideas on paper. In addition, I queried an agent. Oh yeah -- put that in you pipe and smoke it little brother (citing blog: Brothers Eat Dirt). And, secretly rejoicing (I know it's a sin) that my brother's manuscript was turned down by the latest agent!!! He is now thinking of self-publishing. And--that does not count in the race to see who publishes first. Woo, hoo (that's the sound of secret rejoicing).
My wish to all my three readers for a joy-filled, peaceful Christmas. The birth of our savior. How wonderful is that!!!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
I find myself in computer nervana. Sitting between two computers and two stories to write, I slide back and forth like a pendulum in a Poe's tale.
One story is a re-write of a middle grade novel I finished a couple years ago. It's a good story. Really it is -- I know I'm prejudice, but hey, if I didn't like it why re-write it.
What isn't working is the first chapter. It sucks. And we all know that is where your novel makes it or breaks it with an editor or agent. So, I decided to change the entire book from third person to first person. I'm enjoying the experience because I can release my inner rebelious teenager.
I'm trying to address adoption in the other story. It will be a dreaded picture book. Right now I'm gathering information and writing in threes -- using animals. I'm not sure the direction to take it, so just writing until my muse figures it out. The question I'm pondering is exactly what "threes" to use...three forest animals, three sea animals and three air animals. Or do I go with animals from different regions of the world -- Asian animals, African animals, South American animals. I started with a bear, a deer and a fox. BORING.Too common, so I think --- even though --- I will leave the everyday animals in...I am going to add ones children don't normally find in a book.
Back and forth, back and forth -- I'm getting dizzy. Are two computers better than one?
One story is a re-write of a middle grade novel I finished a couple years ago. It's a good story. Really it is -- I know I'm prejudice, but hey, if I didn't like it why re-write it.
What isn't working is the first chapter. It sucks. And we all know that is where your novel makes it or breaks it with an editor or agent. So, I decided to change the entire book from third person to first person. I'm enjoying the experience because I can release my inner rebelious teenager.
I'm trying to address adoption in the other story. It will be a dreaded picture book. Right now I'm gathering information and writing in threes -- using animals. I'm not sure the direction to take it, so just writing until my muse figures it out. The question I'm pondering is exactly what "threes" to use...three forest animals, three sea animals and three air animals. Or do I go with animals from different regions of the world -- Asian animals, African animals, South American animals. I started with a bear, a deer and a fox. BORING.Too common, so I think --- even though --- I will leave the everyday animals in...I am going to add ones children don't normally find in a book.
Back and forth, back and forth -- I'm getting dizzy. Are two computers better than one?
Monday, November 28, 2011
Lordy, I just can't seem to get to blogging as often as I like.
Life keeps getting in the way.
Geez, I have even neglected my writing.
You guessed it -- LIFE and all its many chores.
So much to do, so little time.
AS far as my writing goes -- just about everything I have finished is out there. Somewhere in publishing-ville waiting for someone to discover it.
I have a new idea and am trying to take it one story at a time instead of turning on all my computers and running back and forth like a crazy person.
But, in the midst of the writing and the running and my muse muddling my brain -- life keeps getting in the way.
WAIT A MINUTE. My life is fabulous -- I like it to get in the way. This is more of my family at Thanksgiving. How cool are they!!!
Life keeps getting in the way.
Geez, I have even neglected my writing.
You guessed it -- LIFE and all its many chores.
So much to do, so little time.
AS far as my writing goes -- just about everything I have finished is out there. Somewhere in publishing-ville waiting for someone to discover it.
I have a new idea and am trying to take it one story at a time instead of turning on all my computers and running back and forth like a crazy person.
But, in the midst of the writing and the running and my muse muddling my brain -- life keeps getting in the way.
WAIT A MINUTE. My life is fabulous -- I like it to get in the way. This is more of my family at Thanksgiving. How cool are they!!!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Look for your story, "Patchwork Platypus,"
on Nov 22, 2011 at
Be sure to share the link with your friends, so they can "vote"!
1 comment = 1 vote, and 1 link to the story = 2 votes
Voting will remain active for 7 days after your story is posted.
1 comment = 1 vote, and 1 link to the story = 2 votes
Voting will remain active for 7 days after your story is posted.
Oh, Yeah!!! How cool is this. Please vote. I think I win some money if you do.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Dang, just received a "na, na, na boo, boo" e-mail from my brother. He has an agent interested in his latest manuscript.
Okay, it's good, really good. Looks like he is going to win the sibling publishing race.
Drat, I wonder how crow tastes.
Okay, it's good, really good. Looks like he is going to win the sibling publishing race.
Drat, I wonder how crow tastes.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
My goal this week was to finish a poem I've been working on for months.
A poem, you say, can't be that hard. What's taking so long?
Two things.
One, I can't write poetry, so it's like trudging through mud up to my waist to get the rhythm and rhyme correct.
Secondly, life keeps getting in the way.
Take today, for instance...Writing poetry was number one on my to-do list. I always make a list. There is something about looking at it that spurs me on.
So, there I am standing ... staring at my list ... making up rhymes in my head when my brother calls. He has just written his opening chapter to his latest novel for the gazillionth time and wants me to read it and call him right back. (See previous blog on BROTHERS EAT DIRT).
Being the dutiful sister, I head to the computer when the phone rings -- again. It's my neighbor in medical distress and wants me to drive her to the hospital.
Being the dutiful neighbor, I head downstairs and off we go. Suddenly panic hits me...we are at the start of our season and the best way to get seen in the emergency room is by ambulance. Oh, no, I can't disguise my car as an ambulance.
We get to the hospital and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait. God it was sucky. But after I told the nurse I thought my neighbor was close to a stroke (a little wee fib) they put her in a hallway bed.
Oops, gotta go. I'd finish this, but I just got a call from the hospital -- my neighbor is ready to come home.
BTW: My blogging class was awesome. See what I learned.
I can put in pictures. How cool is that!! (Thanks, Doug) --This is my family!! Eight kids and twelve grandkids and a couple of brothers thrown in (don't forget the blog BROTHERS EAT DIRT). Ah, life is good...but busy.
A poem, you say, can't be that hard. What's taking so long?
Two things.
One, I can't write poetry, so it's like trudging through mud up to my waist to get the rhythm and rhyme correct.
Secondly, life keeps getting in the way.
Take today, for instance...Writing poetry was number one on my to-do list. I always make a list. There is something about looking at it that spurs me on.
So, there I am standing ... staring at my list ... making up rhymes in my head when my brother calls. He has just written his opening chapter to his latest novel for the gazillionth time and wants me to read it and call him right back. (See previous blog on BROTHERS EAT DIRT).
Being the dutiful sister, I head to the computer when the phone rings -- again. It's my neighbor in medical distress and wants me to drive her to the hospital.
Being the dutiful neighbor, I head downstairs and off we go. Suddenly panic hits me...we are at the start of our season and the best way to get seen in the emergency room is by ambulance. Oh, no, I can't disguise my car as an ambulance.
We get to the hospital and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait. God it was sucky. But after I told the nurse I thought my neighbor was close to a stroke (a little wee fib) they put her in a hallway bed.
Oops, gotta go. I'd finish this, but I just got a call from the hospital -- my neighbor is ready to come home.
BTW: My blogging class was awesome. See what I learned.
I can put in pictures. How cool is that!! (Thanks, Doug) --This is my family!! Eight kids and twelve grandkids and a couple of brothers thrown in (don't forget the blog BROTHERS EAT DIRT). Ah, life is good...but busy.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
I'm taking a course today at my local university on ... ta, da ... blogging. Do you think my blog will improve?
Jeez, I hope so.
Standby and see what tomorrow brings!
Jeez, I hope so.
Standby and see what tomorrow brings!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
From Sweet Home Alabama to Home Sweet Home.
I'm back in Florida and rarin' to go.
While away I was able to work with my granddaughter's poetry class. I had them help me with an ending to a poem that was causing me angst. They came up with a fabulous finish -- look out publishers here I come.
While away my latest copy of the SCBWI Bulletin arrived. I note that Scholastic is looking for teachers to write for them. Hmmm, sounds like something right up my alley. But, now I have to put together a resume and sent it in.
Will I do it?
You bet!!! No guts, no glory.
I have needed something new to jump start my writing. This may just be the ticket. Wish me luck.
I'm back in Florida and rarin' to go.
While away I was able to work with my granddaughter's poetry class. I had them help me with an ending to a poem that was causing me angst. They came up with a fabulous finish -- look out publishers here I come.
While away my latest copy of the SCBWI Bulletin arrived. I note that Scholastic is looking for teachers to write for them. Hmmm, sounds like something right up my alley. But, now I have to put together a resume and sent it in.
Will I do it?
You bet!!! No guts, no glory.
I have needed something new to jump start my writing. This may just be the ticket. Wish me luck.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
I'm in Alabama! How cool is that!!
Well, pretty darn cool to be exact -- the days are chilly, and the nights are cold, cold, cold. I'm loving the weather and marveling at the fall colors.
Am I getting any writing done? Nope. I'm enjoying my family. And, not to brag, but WOW can they write. Books, stories, poetry -- you name it, they can write it. I'm soaking up all the pride they have as they share their work with me.
Being here is like a breath of fresh air (okay, it's cliche-ish)...but true. I am resting -- something I desperately needed. I giving my brain a break and editing a book for my church. It's fun to put my creativity to work in another venue. The text is done, I'm just formatting it and adding pictures. Easy, peasey.
Now, no one has ever experienced Halloween until they come to the small college town of Jacksonville, Alabama. OMG -- it was an incredible sight...over 1,000 costumed children, teens and parents marched up the walkway to get treats last night. There has to be a story there -- somewhere. I'll let my muse mull it over and let me know the direction to take.
This morning on my 32 degree walk up and down treacherous hills a small kitten followed us all the way home. He couldn't stay -- it made me sad to see this lost baby. But,there's another idea for a story. Come on, muse, get to work.
Oh how I love Alabama -- my second home -- sweet home Alabama!
Well, pretty darn cool to be exact -- the days are chilly, and the nights are cold, cold, cold. I'm loving the weather and marveling at the fall colors.
Am I getting any writing done? Nope. I'm enjoying my family. And, not to brag, but WOW can they write. Books, stories, poetry -- you name it, they can write it. I'm soaking up all the pride they have as they share their work with me.
Being here is like a breath of fresh air (okay, it's cliche-ish)...but true. I am resting -- something I desperately needed. I giving my brain a break and editing a book for my church. It's fun to put my creativity to work in another venue. The text is done, I'm just formatting it and adding pictures. Easy, peasey.
Now, no one has ever experienced Halloween until they come to the small college town of Jacksonville, Alabama. OMG -- it was an incredible sight...over 1,000 costumed children, teens and parents marched up the walkway to get treats last night. There has to be a story there -- somewhere. I'll let my muse mull it over and let me know the direction to take.
This morning on my 32 degree walk up and down treacherous hills a small kitten followed us all the way home. He couldn't stay -- it made me sad to see this lost baby. But,there's another idea for a story. Come on, muse, get to work.
Oh how I love Alabama -- my second home -- sweet home Alabama!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Oh, yeah!! It's signed, sealed and in the mail. MY FIRST REAL CONTRACT!!!
From "free" lance to freelance. How cool is that.
Carus publishing just purchased my story, A Feather is a Letter from a Bird. It will be printed in LADYBUG, a children's magazine sometime in the future. And, along with the money, I will get two...count them...two free copies when it is published. Oh, yeah!!!
Now I need to get busy and keep writing and writing and writing.
I will be in Alabama next week and soaking up all that southern inspiration. My family has a special niche for me -- my own own own special computer desk. Oh yeah!!! I'm ready and excited...and almost packed.
Here I come -- Sweet Home Alabama!!!
From "free" lance to freelance. How cool is that.
Carus publishing just purchased my story, A Feather is a Letter from a Bird. It will be printed in LADYBUG, a children's magazine sometime in the future. And, along with the money, I will get two...count them...two free copies when it is published. Oh, yeah!!!
Now I need to get busy and keep writing and writing and writing.
I will be in Alabama next week and soaking up all that southern inspiration. My family has a special niche for me -- my own own own special computer desk. Oh yeah!!! I'm ready and excited...and almost packed.
Here I come -- Sweet Home Alabama!!!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Talk about being a lazy blogger. Or, am I just out of words. Don't really know yet.
Check out this video.
Power Teaching and Classroom Management -- it can be found at
Check out this video.
Power Teaching and Classroom Management -- it can be found at
Saturday, October 15, 2011
I enjoy writing for children, but for some reason I can't stay away from editorializing. My newspaper is ripe with ideas. I just finished another "letter" regarding education and shot it to the editor. Hopefully it will get printed.
I did walk the beach today seeking ideas for my next children's story. Even thought I left at my usual time, the lazy sun stayed behind the clouds and it was uber creepy --- like totally dark. You'd think I'd come up with a spooky tale to tell, but I was too scared. Gotta quit watching Criminal Minds.
With any luck my blogging will improve. I am taking a course at our local university in ... you guessed it ... blogging. We will see if I can get more "friends." Or perhaps a comment or two.
Changing type colors hasn't helped my popularity. Any more ideas, Cat.
I did walk the beach today seeking ideas for my next children's story. Even thought I left at my usual time, the lazy sun stayed behind the clouds and it was uber creepy --- like totally dark. You'd think I'd come up with a spooky tale to tell, but I was too scared. Gotta quit watching Criminal Minds.
With any luck my blogging will improve. I am taking a course at our local university in ... you guessed it ... blogging. We will see if I can get more "friends." Or perhaps a comment or two.
Changing type colors hasn't helped my popularity. Any more ideas, Cat.
Friday, October 7, 2011
I did it!!!!
Woo Hoo!!!
Two of my children's stories won a place in the Writer's Digest Writing Contest.
I did it!!!!
Woo Hoo!!!
Two of my children's stories won a place in the Writer's Digest Writing Contest.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Kiddie lit is where I want to be, but the educational system just keeps sending fodder for articles that can't be ignored.
In my state teacher merit pay has been a BIG DEAL. Our legislature just passed a law that teacher pay will be linked to test scores.
Personally I am against this because immeasurable amounts of academic learning time is lost with "test prep." Those poor teachers and children are pressured beyond endurance to raise test scores. Our kids are great at sharpening those number two pencils and filling in bubbles. But, does this equip them with the knowledge necessary for college and the working world? Hmmm.
I love the revelry from the politicians and educational administrators. "Woo hoo, we are strong advocates on education. Just watch us -- those bad teachers are going to perform or we will get rid of them." -- A laudable goal, of course, but in my experience I can count on one hand the "bad" teachers I encountered throughout my 25 year career in education. The rest are hard working men and women struggling against all odds to do the very best for their students.
Now comes the ironic moment:
Bang - that is the politicans and educational administrators shooting themselves in the foot.
Yesterday, a group of politicians and high level administrators met with the business community to discuss the reasons young adults graduating from high school are not ready for the demands of college or the business world.
Talk, talk, talk. "We've been talking about this for 10 years, and less than 20 percent of our four-year graduates are getting STEM degrees," states our governor. Ten years of talking. Isn't it time to begin walking the talk?
It gets better: Let's go back to the subject of merit pay. Remember this is the elixir that will solve all educational problems.
My own superintendent stated in this summit, "Accountability is always right, but we should be able to show accountability in more than one way."
The article goes on further with a statement, "Superintendents said relying on the FCAT or other state assessments isn't a accurate depiction of a student's knowledge...even students who do well on the FCAT still may not be considered college-ready when they enter a university."
WHAT! And teacher accountibility is based on FCAT scores. How crazy is that!
I think I may just have another editoral brewing in my mind. Here's to research!!!
Stay tuned.
In my state teacher merit pay has been a BIG DEAL. Our legislature just passed a law that teacher pay will be linked to test scores.
Personally I am against this because immeasurable amounts of academic learning time is lost with "test prep." Those poor teachers and children are pressured beyond endurance to raise test scores. Our kids are great at sharpening those number two pencils and filling in bubbles. But, does this equip them with the knowledge necessary for college and the working world? Hmmm.
I love the revelry from the politicians and educational administrators. "Woo hoo, we are strong advocates on education. Just watch us -- those bad teachers are going to perform or we will get rid of them." -- A laudable goal, of course, but in my experience I can count on one hand the "bad" teachers I encountered throughout my 25 year career in education. The rest are hard working men and women struggling against all odds to do the very best for their students.
Now comes the ironic moment:
Bang - that is the politicans and educational administrators shooting themselves in the foot.
Yesterday, a group of politicians and high level administrators met with the business community to discuss the reasons young adults graduating from high school are not ready for the demands of college or the business world.
Talk, talk, talk. "We've been talking about this for 10 years, and less than 20 percent of our four-year graduates are getting STEM degrees," states our governor. Ten years of talking. Isn't it time to begin walking the talk?
It gets better: Let's go back to the subject of merit pay. Remember this is the elixir that will solve all educational problems.
My own superintendent stated in this summit, "Accountability is always right, but we should be able to show accountability in more than one way."
The article goes on further with a statement, "Superintendents said relying on the FCAT or other state assessments isn't a accurate depiction of a student's knowledge...even students who do well on the FCAT still may not be considered college-ready when they enter a university."
WHAT! And teacher accountibility is based on FCAT scores. How crazy is that!
I think I may just have another editoral brewing in my mind. Here's to research!!!
Stay tuned.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Woo Hoo!!! My editorial was printed TODAY - Wednesday - September 28 - 2011 in my local newspaper. How cool is that!
Check it out
The research is there. Young children MUST have play breaks and recess. The research that says they should be in the classroom, chained to desks, on task, studying individual subjects all day IS NO WHERE TO BE FOUND.
Geez, everyone wants to know what's wrong with education - POLITICIANS AND ADMINISTRATORS who are not in the classroom...and have limited knowledge of child development and what works best for children of all ages.
Whew -- I said it. Will it make a difference in the lives of our children. Probably not. Politicians are already posturing...getting ready for next year's election. And, by God, they will be tough on matter what the research says.
Now, perhaps, I can get back to some fun writing. Not sure what direction I will go at the moment, but my muse wouldn't let me go until I wrote that editorial.
A walk on the beach...a bit of meditation...and I will be back to picture books (noooooo), maybe my latest YA. We will see what she has in store now.
Stay tuned.
Check it out
The research is there. Young children MUST have play breaks and recess. The research that says they should be in the classroom, chained to desks, on task, studying individual subjects all day IS NO WHERE TO BE FOUND.
Geez, everyone wants to know what's wrong with education - POLITICIANS AND ADMINISTRATORS who are not in the classroom...and have limited knowledge of child development and what works best for children of all ages.
Whew -- I said it. Will it make a difference in the lives of our children. Probably not. Politicians are already posturing...getting ready for next year's election. And, by God, they will be tough on matter what the research says.
Now, perhaps, I can get back to some fun writing. Not sure what direction I will go at the moment, but my muse wouldn't let me go until I wrote that editorial.
A walk on the beach...a bit of meditation...and I will be back to picture books (noooooo), maybe my latest YA. We will see what she has in store now.
Stay tuned.
Friday, September 23, 2011
I wrote it.
The article on play.
I'm waiting for one more person to read it. So far, four of my colleagues gave me the nod. "Send it," they say.
And I will.
Will it be published. Time will tell.
Even if it isn't, I will still send it to my local school board, superintendent, Governor, Education Commissioner, Legislators (state and federal) ...
I know what will happen - it never fails. Form letters telling me of their concern for education, yadda, yadda, yadda...but no action.
We have seen over and over again that common sense escapes anyone that is remotely political. Too bad their posturing is so detrimental to our youngest school children.
Stand by and I will let you know what happens.
The article on play.
I'm waiting for one more person to read it. So far, four of my colleagues gave me the nod. "Send it," they say.
And I will.
Will it be published. Time will tell.
Even if it isn't, I will still send it to my local school board, superintendent, Governor, Education Commissioner, Legislators (state and federal) ...
I know what will happen - it never fails. Form letters telling me of their concern for education, yadda, yadda, yadda...but no action.
We have seen over and over again that common sense escapes anyone that is remotely political. Too bad their posturing is so detrimental to our youngest school children.
Stand by and I will let you know what happens.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
I want to write another editorial for my local newspaper. I've done most of the research, but wonder if it's worth the time. I have been trying to convince my local school board (for years) of the necessity of having a well-rounded early childhood program, but they scoff at me.
When does one start sounding like a broken record, a fanatic, one sided? When does one stop fighting for what they believe?
My instincts tell me NEVER! But, all my words fall on deaf ears. I have the experience, the background, the education -- even the backing of the teachers, but still no go.
Maybe I will write it today. Maybe I'll procrastinate. Maybe one day someone will listen.
When does one start sounding like a broken record, a fanatic, one sided? When does one stop fighting for what they believe?
My instincts tell me NEVER! But, all my words fall on deaf ears. I have the experience, the background, the education -- even the backing of the teachers, but still no go.
Maybe I will write it today. Maybe I'll procrastinate. Maybe one day someone will listen.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
I don't know about you, but when ideas hit me, I have to grab the nearest pencil and search for a piece of paper and write them down. If not, they fly out of my head and I am left with a frown trying to retrieve that great idea.
Ideas come in the most unusual places for me.
That's why I keep a pad of paper and pen in my car. I don't text and drive -- nor do I write and drive. I wait for traffic lights and pray the thought stays. But, then with all the stop lights in my community, there's a pretty good chance that I will be able to remember my musings. I jot them down quickly keeping a close eye on the cars around me. Honk, honk. Oops, I better get going.
I keep a journal and pen by my bedside. Oh my, I get so many thoughts in the middle of the night. My muse must be a night person -- I'm not. I reach out, grab the pen and scribble...hoping that I can read it in the morning.
The most unusual place I received inspiration was in church. Not the spiritual kind of revelation, but about a mouse and a cat and a fair. What to do, what to do? I spotted a pen in the pew in front of me and a discarded bulletin. Ah, ha!!! I picked up the pen and began to write. Can you imagine what the people around me must have thought. Oh well, a writers got to do what a writers got to do.
Of course, my best source of inspiration is my morning walk and meditation. Thank goodness my I-Pod has a recorder. I can record my thoughts and exercise at the same time. How cool is that!
Sun's up and I'm on my way out the door to the beach!!! Here's hoping that I can figure out what happens to the mouse and the cat at the fair.
Ideas come in the most unusual places for me.
That's why I keep a pad of paper and pen in my car. I don't text and drive -- nor do I write and drive. I wait for traffic lights and pray the thought stays. But, then with all the stop lights in my community, there's a pretty good chance that I will be able to remember my musings. I jot them down quickly keeping a close eye on the cars around me. Honk, honk. Oops, I better get going.
I keep a journal and pen by my bedside. Oh my, I get so many thoughts in the middle of the night. My muse must be a night person -- I'm not. I reach out, grab the pen and scribble...hoping that I can read it in the morning.
The most unusual place I received inspiration was in church. Not the spiritual kind of revelation, but about a mouse and a cat and a fair. What to do, what to do? I spotted a pen in the pew in front of me and a discarded bulletin. Ah, ha!!! I picked up the pen and began to write. Can you imagine what the people around me must have thought. Oh well, a writers got to do what a writers got to do.
Of course, my best source of inspiration is my morning walk and meditation. Thank goodness my I-Pod has a recorder. I can record my thoughts and exercise at the same time. How cool is that!
Sun's up and I'm on my way out the door to the beach!!! Here's hoping that I can figure out what happens to the mouse and the cat at the fair.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Click, click, click...
That is the sound of my new profession -- model!!! How cool is that.
I spent yesterday morning in a photo shoot.
Click, click, click...
With a real photographer.
Click, click, click...
I am the face of a new product.
Move over Christie Brinkley.
Sounds good, doesn't it.
Well, it was a humbling experience since they needed an "older" woman to model those devices that one uses when they live alone. You know the kind -- I've fallen and I can get up necklaces.
Click, click, click...
So there I was wearing the various devices and trying to smile like I "loved" them.
Actually it was kinda fun. Out of --- click --- 100 photos --- click --- I hope --- click they found a couple that would actually work.
That is the sound of my new profession -- model!!! How cool is that.
I spent yesterday morning in a photo shoot.
Click, click, click...
With a real photographer.
Click, click, click...
I am the face of a new product.
Move over Christie Brinkley.
Sounds good, doesn't it.
Well, it was a humbling experience since they needed an "older" woman to model those devices that one uses when they live alone. You know the kind -- I've fallen and I can get up necklaces.
Click, click, click...
So there I was wearing the various devices and trying to smile like I "loved" them.
Actually it was kinda fun. Out of --- click --- 100 photos --- click --- I hope --- click they found a couple that would actually work.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Gosh, I can't remember if I told you this. And, I'm too lazy to go back and re-read my blah, blah, blogs and double check. So here goes...
I have a philosophy that if I don't send in finished manuscripts and I just let them sit in some obscure folder on my computer they are already rejected. By me! Self-rejection.
So, today I took a deep breath, wrote a cover letter and sent in my latest picture book manuscript. Yes, you heard it right. PICTURE BOOK. My nemesis ... the thing I have the most trouble writing. According to the submission guidelines, it will be about six to eight months before I hear anything. So while I next philosophy...
After submitting a manuscript either via snail mail or e-mail I file it away and begin another book. I don't dwell on it or stand by the mailbox waiting for the mailman. It is fruitless since I find patience a necessary component in the publishing industry.
Right now, all my manuscripts are somewhere in the world of publishing gathering mold in the slush pile. But, they are out there -- waiting -- to be discovered. And I continue to write and submit and wait and hope...that editor will smile and give me a call.
I have a philosophy that if I don't send in finished manuscripts and I just let them sit in some obscure folder on my computer they are already rejected. By me! Self-rejection.
So, today I took a deep breath, wrote a cover letter and sent in my latest picture book manuscript. Yes, you heard it right. PICTURE BOOK. My nemesis ... the thing I have the most trouble writing. According to the submission guidelines, it will be about six to eight months before I hear anything. So while I next philosophy...
After submitting a manuscript either via snail mail or e-mail I file it away and begin another book. I don't dwell on it or stand by the mailbox waiting for the mailman. It is fruitless since I find patience a necessary component in the publishing industry.
Right now, all my manuscripts are somewhere in the world of publishing gathering mold in the slush pile. But, they are out there -- waiting -- to be discovered. And I continue to write and submit and wait and hope...that editor will smile and give me a call.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
I'm bogged down with my writing and I don't know why.
I lied, I do know why.
I am doubting myself and my ability. I love the book I am presently writing, but am not sure where to take it. The more I write, the more ideas that flood into my thoughts. A good thing, of course, but sometimes too many ideas make for a scattered boggy manuscript. And that's where I am.
I have been thinking of creating three or four files for the same book -- and then in each manuscript take it in different directions. But, that goes against one of my philosophies: Keep It Simple Susan.
I'm also considering re-writing my first novel in first person. I watched a video with a famous author who said that middle grade novels must be written in first person. Gads, that is definitely not keeping my writing life simple.
Oh what to do, what to do?
On the other side of the coin is my dreaded picture book manuscript that I like, but an editor may use as scrap paper for his latest to-do list.
I read some very good advice on the net the other day regarding word choice for picture books. BAM - I'm trying to kick it up a notch, but somehow it just doesn't sound good enough to me.
Perhaps I'm trying to do too much at one time.
So I must remember: KISS!!!
I lied, I do know why.
I am doubting myself and my ability. I love the book I am presently writing, but am not sure where to take it. The more I write, the more ideas that flood into my thoughts. A good thing, of course, but sometimes too many ideas make for a scattered boggy manuscript. And that's where I am.
I have been thinking of creating three or four files for the same book -- and then in each manuscript take it in different directions. But, that goes against one of my philosophies: Keep It Simple Susan.
I'm also considering re-writing my first novel in first person. I watched a video with a famous author who said that middle grade novels must be written in first person. Gads, that is definitely not keeping my writing life simple.
Oh what to do, what to do?
On the other side of the coin is my dreaded picture book manuscript that I like, but an editor may use as scrap paper for his latest to-do list.
I read some very good advice on the net the other day regarding word choice for picture books. BAM - I'm trying to kick it up a notch, but somehow it just doesn't sound good enough to me.
Perhaps I'm trying to do too much at one time.
So I must remember: KISS!!!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
It's raining today. No walk on the beach, no IPOD music, no exercising the brain. So, I am staring out the window hoping for a clever thought.
This is what editors want: fun, quirky, edgy, strong narrative voices, memorable characters, humorous fiction, mystery, suspense, classic novels, fresh goes on and on.
You know what, so do I, that's why I'm staring out the window. I'm looking for a fun, quirky, edgy, strong, memorable character. I presently have one named Kat. She's definitely edgy and memorable.
But I want, no need, more. My life has slowed down quite a bit in the past few weeks and I want to fill it with ... you got it ... fun, quirky, edgy, strong, memorable characters. I need some new friends to live in my mind and help me find a new "normal" in life.
If you know someone, pass them along to me...
This is what editors want: fun, quirky, edgy, strong narrative voices, memorable characters, humorous fiction, mystery, suspense, classic novels, fresh goes on and on.
You know what, so do I, that's why I'm staring out the window. I'm looking for a fun, quirky, edgy, strong, memorable character. I presently have one named Kat. She's definitely edgy and memorable.
But I want, no need, more. My life has slowed down quite a bit in the past few weeks and I want to fill it with ... you got it ... fun, quirky, edgy, strong, memorable characters. I need some new friends to live in my mind and help me find a new "normal" in life.
If you know someone, pass them along to me...
Monday, August 8, 2011
Happiness is being back on track.
My muse is working overtime and so am I.
Today I am stopping at the post office and mailing a manuscript to an editor that spoke at the latest SCBWI conference.
Hold onto your hats -- it's a picture book manuscript. Yep, the kind that gives me the most trouble...and my critique group the fodder for confetti. But, ya' know what. I gotta do it. I'll never get far writing and leaving my stories on the computer. I call that self-rejection.
I'm meeting with my fellow co-conspirator ... oops ... I mean fellow co-writer this week to continue on the YA novel we are drafting.
I just finished reading a book on teen alcoholism that gave me direction for this story. Gosh, there is so much info and so many ways to go ... how cool is that!
In the continuing race to beat my brother to publication, I tripped. I sent him a lead on an agent looking for boy-related manuscripts.
Pat, pat, pat -- that's me patting myself on the back for being such a good sister.
But, I have a feeling that he will ignore my great find and still self-publish. He's impatient.
But, most of all -- happiness is a great friend who is my writing partner...
and a great brother that keeps me writing...and a muse that keeps me enthusiastic...
My muse is working overtime and so am I.
Today I am stopping at the post office and mailing a manuscript to an editor that spoke at the latest SCBWI conference.
Hold onto your hats -- it's a picture book manuscript. Yep, the kind that gives me the most trouble...and my critique group the fodder for confetti. But, ya' know what. I gotta do it. I'll never get far writing and leaving my stories on the computer. I call that self-rejection.
I'm meeting with my fellow co-conspirator ... oops ... I mean fellow co-writer this week to continue on the YA novel we are drafting.
I just finished reading a book on teen alcoholism that gave me direction for this story. Gosh, there is so much info and so many ways to go ... how cool is that!
In the continuing race to beat my brother to publication, I tripped. I sent him a lead on an agent looking for boy-related manuscripts.
Pat, pat, pat -- that's me patting myself on the back for being such a good sister.
But, I have a feeling that he will ignore my great find and still self-publish. He's impatient.
But, most of all -- happiness is a great friend who is my writing partner...
and a great brother that keeps me writing...and a muse that keeps me enthusiastic...
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
People tell me I'm competitive. You be the judge.
My brother and I are competing to see who can get published first.
It has to be a book.
We've both published in magazines, so we are going the one step further. He has been visiting for the past 10 days. He needed time to focus on his second novel and just write without interruption. He wanted me to read it when he finished. I did. And, darn, it's good -- really good. I gave him some feedback -- so I should get some credit if the book gets published. But, wait a minute...he is looking into e-publishing/self-publishing. "THAT DOESN'T COUNT," I told him. It must be traditional publishing to WIN. I'm not competitive, am I?
He and I wrote a poem for a contest.
I HOPE I WIN. I'm not competitive, am I?
Anyway, if I do win, I'm going to split the money with him. I sent the poem in yesterday, but won't hear anything until after the first of the year. Gosh, it's good enough to take first place, really it is! I'm not too competitive, am I?
On the flip side, I play dominoes once a week with friends. I ALWAYS WIN. My friends tell me I thrive on competition. I wonder where they got that idea.
My brother and I are competing to see who can get published first.
It has to be a book.
We've both published in magazines, so we are going the one step further. He has been visiting for the past 10 days. He needed time to focus on his second novel and just write without interruption. He wanted me to read it when he finished. I did. And, darn, it's good -- really good. I gave him some feedback -- so I should get some credit if the book gets published. But, wait a minute...he is looking into e-publishing/self-publishing. "THAT DOESN'T COUNT," I told him. It must be traditional publishing to WIN. I'm not competitive, am I?
He and I wrote a poem for a contest.
I HOPE I WIN. I'm not competitive, am I?
Anyway, if I do win, I'm going to split the money with him. I sent the poem in yesterday, but won't hear anything until after the first of the year. Gosh, it's good enough to take first place, really it is! I'm not too competitive, am I?
On the flip side, I play dominoes once a week with friends. I ALWAYS WIN. My friends tell me I thrive on competition. I wonder where they got that idea.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
What's up with men? You know that picture book I've been working on -- the one about the mouse and the umbrella. The one that I thought was good and ready to send in.
Well, I showed it to my brother. He wanted me to add pirates and sharks...guy things. Geez, I just wanted a sweet little picture book that told a cute story.
I guess the author who wrote that book about men being from Mars and women from Venus had something.
Perhaps I can come up a book about siblings. I could title it:
Hmmm, maybe I'm on to something!!
Well, I showed it to my brother. He wanted me to add pirates and sharks...guy things. Geez, I just wanted a sweet little picture book that told a cute story.
I guess the author who wrote that book about men being from Mars and women from Venus had something.
Perhaps I can come up a book about siblings. I could title it:
Hmmm, maybe I'm on to something!!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Ideas are popping inside my brain like the popcorn machine at the movies. Oh, my goodness, I am now working on four things simultaneously.
I want to write a book for adults entitled, Unexpected Treasures. I just finished my second story, Haunted Treasures. Wow, it was fun writing a scary story. My muse must be working overtime.
I woke up in the middle of the night last night thinking of one I could write for the Forum, entitled, When Love Is Not Enough. Another adult piece. Ah, let those fingers dance across the keyboard.
Of course, my favorite is the YA novel I'm writing with my good friend. Talk about popcorn and thoughts...together we are unstoppable. How cool is that.
My fourth venture is a poem. So far I've gotten 10 lines written. My brother did four and I did six. It's taken me longer to write those 10 lines than a chapter in a YA novel. And, I thought picture books were difficult. OMG - poetry is impossible. Since my brother is coming for a visit starting tomorrow, I'm hoping that between the two of us we can finish that poem. I'm going to enter it in a contest. If I win, do I have to split the money with him?
I want to write a book for adults entitled, Unexpected Treasures. I just finished my second story, Haunted Treasures. Wow, it was fun writing a scary story. My muse must be working overtime.
I woke up in the middle of the night last night thinking of one I could write for the Forum, entitled, When Love Is Not Enough. Another adult piece. Ah, let those fingers dance across the keyboard.
Of course, my favorite is the YA novel I'm writing with my good friend. Talk about popcorn and thoughts...together we are unstoppable. How cool is that.
My fourth venture is a poem. So far I've gotten 10 lines written. My brother did four and I did six. It's taken me longer to write those 10 lines than a chapter in a YA novel. And, I thought picture books were difficult. OMG - poetry is impossible. Since my brother is coming for a visit starting tomorrow, I'm hoping that between the two of us we can finish that poem. I'm going to enter it in a contest. If I win, do I have to split the money with him?
Sunday, July 17, 2011
That's the sound of my critique group when I present one of my picture book manuscripts. In one of my previous blah, blah, blogs I told you that picture books are my downfall. And, I am bound and determined to write one. A good one.
That's the sound of my critique group when they take that torn and shredded manuscript and use it for confetti.
When the employees of Books-A-Million hear their gleeful cries, they frown, fold their arms and tsk, tsk, tsk at our mess.
"Don't worry," I smile. "I'll clean it up."
So, my quest continues -- I presented the revised version of my picture book entitled, THE MOUSE, THE UMBRELLA AND THE SEA to my group yesterday.
Their eyes widened, their fingers actually trembled at the thought of all that ripping, tearing and shredding. But, to their amazement, I'm getting closer.
Of course I had to change the title to THE MOUSE AND THE TATTERED UMBRELLA...but they liked it. They really like it. With their suggestions, I may have broken the picture book code. Eat your heart out Robert Langdon.
I'm going to polish this one up and send it to a lucky publishing company tomorrow. How cool is that!
BTW: I had another one of my letters to the editor published in my local newspaper today. And, it was designated LETTER OF THE DAY. Cool!!
That's the sound of my critique group when I present one of my picture book manuscripts. In one of my previous blah, blah, blogs I told you that picture books are my downfall. And, I am bound and determined to write one. A good one.
That's the sound of my critique group when they take that torn and shredded manuscript and use it for confetti.
When the employees of Books-A-Million hear their gleeful cries, they frown, fold their arms and tsk, tsk, tsk at our mess.
"Don't worry," I smile. "I'll clean it up."
So, my quest continues -- I presented the revised version of my picture book entitled, THE MOUSE, THE UMBRELLA AND THE SEA to my group yesterday.
Their eyes widened, their fingers actually trembled at the thought of all that ripping, tearing and shredding. But, to their amazement, I'm getting closer.
Of course I had to change the title to THE MOUSE AND THE TATTERED UMBRELLA...but they liked it. They really like it. With their suggestions, I may have broken the picture book code. Eat your heart out Robert Langdon.
I'm going to polish this one up and send it to a lucky publishing company tomorrow. How cool is that!
BTW: I had another one of my letters to the editor published in my local newspaper today. And, it was designated LETTER OF THE DAY. Cool!!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
I GOT IT!!! A book of short stories...with mine included. It's a real book. And it has a story written by me. ME, ME,ME. How cool is that!!!
Of course, nothing happens in life -- to me -- that isn't a little bit humbling. This just happens to be a big humbling experience: There is a typo in the title. I didn't catch it. The editors didn't catch it. Dang. That's not so cool.
But, I am in print - mis-typed title and all. Yeah. I'm on my way.
Of course, nothing happens in life -- to me -- that isn't a little bit humbling. This just happens to be a big humbling experience: There is a typo in the title. I didn't catch it. The editors didn't catch it. Dang. That's not so cool.
But, I am in print - mis-typed title and all. Yeah. I'm on my way.
Monday, July 11, 2011
I am the owner of two computers. How fun is that!
Today I have a novel-in-the-works on one of them and an almost-finished-picture book on the other. I can go back and forth and write, write, write...when the ideas hit me.
I'm even trying my hand at poetry. I have a printed half-finished-poem sitting on the table between my computers, so I can take a break and try to figure out how to finish it.
I thought writing pictures books was treacherous, try poetry. It's impossible! But, I look at it as a way to get out of my comfort zone and stretch my imagination. Too bad I don't have rhyme or rhythm.
I do have two computers. And writing is now twice the fun.
Today I have a novel-in-the-works on one of them and an almost-finished-picture book on the other. I can go back and forth and write, write, write...when the ideas hit me.
I'm even trying my hand at poetry. I have a printed half-finished-poem sitting on the table between my computers, so I can take a break and try to figure out how to finish it.
I thought writing pictures books was treacherous, try poetry. It's impossible! But, I look at it as a way to get out of my comfort zone and stretch my imagination. Too bad I don't have rhyme or rhythm.
I do have two computers. And writing is now twice the fun.
Friday, July 1, 2011
I've been living life alone for five weeks now. It's a path I hadn't expected to take so soon. To say one has their ups and downs is an understatement. Just when I think I have my act together, I fall apart.
Take for instance, the grocery store. No big deal. I've shopped for years, but suddenly I found myself trying to figure out how to shop for one. It was fun, at first, because I could buy what I wanted to eat. And, expensive cuts of fish and meat aren't so expensive when it is cut for one. But the other day, for some unexplained reason, I couldn't stop crying. It wasn't a sobbing, noisy type of cry. It was tears falling out of my eyes and I couldn't stop them. The poor lady at the checkout was so kind, but I felt foolish. I would have left the cart in some aisle and run out of the store, but I needed food and I needed to face my sorrow.
I had an interesting thing happen the other night. I had the pleasure of going out to dinner with several married friends. Since I live in a resort community that is basking in off season, deals are aplenty. All the restaurants in my area have summer deals to attract business. One favorite is two dinners and a bottle of wine for $29.99. How cool is that! When I asked the waiter if they had any deals for single people he said, "No, you will have to order from the regular menu." Ouch!
This didn't make me cry. It made me more aware of the plight single people face. So, I did what I love to do, I wrote a letter to the editor of our local newspaper about this dilemma. I hope it's printed.
My friends that have walked this path before assure me that everything I am feeling and everything I am experiencing is perfectly normal. That is somewhat of a comfort. But going through this mourning thing is a bitch, something I can't run from or hide from.
As my mother always use to say, "This too shall pass." I always hated that saying, but it is oh, so true.
Take for instance, the grocery store. No big deal. I've shopped for years, but suddenly I found myself trying to figure out how to shop for one. It was fun, at first, because I could buy what I wanted to eat. And, expensive cuts of fish and meat aren't so expensive when it is cut for one. But the other day, for some unexplained reason, I couldn't stop crying. It wasn't a sobbing, noisy type of cry. It was tears falling out of my eyes and I couldn't stop them. The poor lady at the checkout was so kind, but I felt foolish. I would have left the cart in some aisle and run out of the store, but I needed food and I needed to face my sorrow.
I had an interesting thing happen the other night. I had the pleasure of going out to dinner with several married friends. Since I live in a resort community that is basking in off season, deals are aplenty. All the restaurants in my area have summer deals to attract business. One favorite is two dinners and a bottle of wine for $29.99. How cool is that! When I asked the waiter if they had any deals for single people he said, "No, you will have to order from the regular menu." Ouch!
This didn't make me cry. It made me more aware of the plight single people face. So, I did what I love to do, I wrote a letter to the editor of our local newspaper about this dilemma. I hope it's printed.
My friends that have walked this path before assure me that everything I am feeling and everything I am experiencing is perfectly normal. That is somewhat of a comfort. But going through this mourning thing is a bitch, something I can't run from or hide from.
As my mother always use to say, "This too shall pass." I always hated that saying, but it is oh, so true.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
The SCBWI conference that I attended last weekend was informative, but exhausting. Why do they have to be so far away?
I attended the YA workshop with one fine author and editor as the facilitators. I should be writing but bought a book by the author and can't put it down. That's my goal -- to write a page turner.
Ann Sparrow was over yesterday. She's the co-author of my (our) latest book. It's coming together well. I guess the old saying 'two heads are better than one' works with us. I'm trying to balance my day between writing and reading.
I attended the YA workshop with one fine author and editor as the facilitators. I should be writing but bought a book by the author and can't put it down. That's my goal -- to write a page turner.
Ann Sparrow was over yesterday. She's the co-author of my (our) latest book. It's coming together well. I guess the old saying 'two heads are better than one' works with us. I'm trying to balance my day between writing and reading.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Day after tomorrow I head up to Orlando to another SCBWI conference. Well, this one is a workshop. It's not as detailed as the January conference, but fun and full of information. It makes me remember why I write.
I'm going with my writing partner and good friend. We will have hours in the car to plot and outline our latest book. It's going to be a good one!! But, you know what they say: All work and no play.
We are taking some time to enjoy Universal. I don't think I've ever been there. Sure, I've done the Disney route, but not this one. Of course, July and Orlando are a hot combination. Yesterday the weatherman reported that the "heat index" was 101 degrees. Holy sweating...and sunblock, Batman. That's pretty darn HOT.
I hope the topics in the workshop are just as hot. It's like getting a six month booster shot of enthusiasm.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Phil - GO, PACK, GO!!!
I'm going with my writing partner and good friend. We will have hours in the car to plot and outline our latest book. It's going to be a good one!! But, you know what they say: All work and no play.
We are taking some time to enjoy Universal. I don't think I've ever been there. Sure, I've done the Disney route, but not this one. Of course, July and Orlando are a hot combination. Yesterday the weatherman reported that the "heat index" was 101 degrees. Holy sweating...and sunblock, Batman. That's pretty darn HOT.
I hope the topics in the workshop are just as hot. It's like getting a six month booster shot of enthusiasm.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Phil - GO, PACK, GO!!!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
My good friend and I started writing our book yesterday.
Oh, my goodness -- you know that old expression: Two heads are better than one. What a truth that is. Ideas flow like crazy when we are together. It is my hope that we can get the first draft completed by the end of the summer. It's going to take some serious concentration on my part. I'm not one of those people that can just sit down and write. It has to flow from a place deep within.
* * * * * * *
This widow business is exhausting. I have already run up against some men who are condescending. Makes me crazy. I want to yell -- I'm not stupid -- quite the tip toe act and talk to me.
* * * * * * * * * *
Good Morning Phil,
Remember what Vince Lombardi always said: It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up.
I want you to know that we are all okay. Sad, missing you so very much, but okay. The kids call cool is that.
Oh, my goodness -- you know that old expression: Two heads are better than one. What a truth that is. Ideas flow like crazy when we are together. It is my hope that we can get the first draft completed by the end of the summer. It's going to take some serious concentration on my part. I'm not one of those people that can just sit down and write. It has to flow from a place deep within.
* * * * * * *
This widow business is exhausting. I have already run up against some men who are condescending. Makes me crazy. I want to yell -- I'm not stupid -- quite the tip toe act and talk to me.
* * * * * * * * * *
Good Morning Phil,
Remember what Vince Lombardi always said: It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up.
I want you to know that we are all okay. Sad, missing you so very much, but okay. The kids call cool is that.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Yeah!! My muse is back and ideas are spilling out of my brain faster than I can type.
I want to do so much writing now, I definitely have to let go of all this grief and put my energies into penning new stories.
There are some of the ideas I have been toying with...
1. I want to write emergent readers. I had an idea pop into my head in the middle of the night. Thank goodness I keep paper and pen on my nightstand. The only problem is trying to decipher my handwriting in the morning.
2. I want to learn how to write poetry. I know the children's industry frowns on rhyming, but I think it is so necessary for phonemic awareness. Rhymes are fun and a great way to play with our language.
3. This is a biggie: I had dinner with a friend last night and we came up with the coolest idea for a Y.A. novel. We plan to write it together...under an uber cool pen name. Oh, I can't wait to start on this one.
I had originally planned to write books for young readers. (See #1 above), but I really, really like writing novels. I can transport myself into another world and have so much fun interacting with my characters. I'm excited to take this new adventure with a friend.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Phil this is for you:
As Vince Lombardi once said: Life's battles don't always go to the stronger of faster man, but soon or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.
And, Phil, you know what we always say: GO, PACK, GO!!! I love and miss you so very much. I will carry the Packer torch for you.
I want to do so much writing now, I definitely have to let go of all this grief and put my energies into penning new stories.
There are some of the ideas I have been toying with...
1. I want to write emergent readers. I had an idea pop into my head in the middle of the night. Thank goodness I keep paper and pen on my nightstand. The only problem is trying to decipher my handwriting in the morning.
2. I want to learn how to write poetry. I know the children's industry frowns on rhyming, but I think it is so necessary for phonemic awareness. Rhymes are fun and a great way to play with our language.
3. This is a biggie: I had dinner with a friend last night and we came up with the coolest idea for a Y.A. novel. We plan to write it together...under an uber cool pen name. Oh, I can't wait to start on this one.
I had originally planned to write books for young readers. (See #1 above), but I really, really like writing novels. I can transport myself into another world and have so much fun interacting with my characters. I'm excited to take this new adventure with a friend.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Phil this is for you:
As Vince Lombardi once said: Life's battles don't always go to the stronger of faster man, but soon or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.
And, Phil, you know what we always say: GO, PACK, GO!!! I love and miss you so very much. I will carry the Packer torch for you.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
I have a personal saying: When life throws you a curve ball, you need to know how to field it.
Well, I got a curve ball thrown my way -- a fastball -- and it was a doozie. My biggest fan, my husband, passed away. It has shaken up my muse and at the moment I am not writing.
The past two weeks have been filled with family and friends and decisions ... my mind is calm in spite of it all. I am lucky to have a faith and a philosophy that keeps me centered.
My lovely husband is in the arms of angels. I have a feeling he may just push my muse aside and prod me on to better stories. Remember -- he was my biggest fan -- and had more faith in me than I did.
I am presently living by these words: Easy does it. I am taking life one day at a time...solving one problem at a time...and will begin writing one page at a time.
The angels embrace you, Phil. A beautiful man that was truly larger than life. Your mission on this earth is complete. Heaven rejoices.
Well, I got a curve ball thrown my way -- a fastball -- and it was a doozie. My biggest fan, my husband, passed away. It has shaken up my muse and at the moment I am not writing.
The past two weeks have been filled with family and friends and decisions ... my mind is calm in spite of it all. I am lucky to have a faith and a philosophy that keeps me centered.
My lovely husband is in the arms of angels. I have a feeling he may just push my muse aside and prod me on to better stories. Remember -- he was my biggest fan -- and had more faith in me than I did.
I am presently living by these words: Easy does it. I am taking life one day at a time...solving one problem at a time...and will begin writing one page at a time.
The angels embrace you, Phil. A beautiful man that was truly larger than life. Your mission on this earth is complete. Heaven rejoices.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Why is it when I write a piece that I think is awesome, funny, a great story worthy of publication, it isn't even close?
Take for instance my latest story, HAUNTED TREASURES. Since I did so well on my first short story entitled, HIDDEN TREASURES, I decided that I could write an adult book full of short stories...the title would be, UNEXPECTED TREASURES. During my walk on the beach I came up with great ideas. Thank goodness I had a recorder with me so I could get these stupendous ideas down.
For the last few days I have been writing HAUNTED TREASURES. I've never written in first person, so I used this story for practice. When I finished, all I could say was, "Cool!" It was really, really good -- full of twist and turns, blood and supernatural happenings. WOW, I thought what a great to add to the potential book.
Then, I asked my husband (my biggest fan) to read it. "I just want to see if you get it," I told him.
Guess what! He didn't get it. In fact, he didn't even understand the ending -- the punch line -- my greatest accomplishment.
Hmm, lesson learned. When I think something is ready -- it needs a lot more work.
So, I decided to put this story aside for a while. I would leave it on the back burner, re-read it and hopefully I should be able to revise it so ... someone will "get it."
I've turned my sights to a poetry contest for Children's Writer. This ought to be good, since I don't know how to write poetry. But, gotta try.
I was fortunate to get a plethora of books from Writer's Digest. One contains two chapters on writing poetry for children. I read it.
My next step is a trip to the library and reading as much poetry as I can. Then I will read the two chapters again before I even put pen to paper.
I'm not sure I can do it, but, you know what...if I don't try I definitely will limit myself.
I find picture books a form of poetry. It I can master even a little bit of the rules that guide a poet, I should be a better picture book writer.
Here's to lessons learned...and learning more.
Take for instance my latest story, HAUNTED TREASURES. Since I did so well on my first short story entitled, HIDDEN TREASURES, I decided that I could write an adult book full of short stories...the title would be, UNEXPECTED TREASURES. During my walk on the beach I came up with great ideas. Thank goodness I had a recorder with me so I could get these stupendous ideas down.
For the last few days I have been writing HAUNTED TREASURES. I've never written in first person, so I used this story for practice. When I finished, all I could say was, "Cool!" It was really, really good -- full of twist and turns, blood and supernatural happenings. WOW, I thought what a great to add to the potential book.
Then, I asked my husband (my biggest fan) to read it. "I just want to see if you get it," I told him.
Guess what! He didn't get it. In fact, he didn't even understand the ending -- the punch line -- my greatest accomplishment.
Hmm, lesson learned. When I think something is ready -- it needs a lot more work.
So, I decided to put this story aside for a while. I would leave it on the back burner, re-read it and hopefully I should be able to revise it so ... someone will "get it."
I've turned my sights to a poetry contest for Children's Writer. This ought to be good, since I don't know how to write poetry. But, gotta try.
I was fortunate to get a plethora of books from Writer's Digest. One contains two chapters on writing poetry for children. I read it.
My next step is a trip to the library and reading as much poetry as I can. Then I will read the two chapters again before I even put pen to paper.
I'm not sure I can do it, but, you know what...if I don't try I definitely will limit myself.
I find picture books a form of poetry. It I can master even a little bit of the rules that guide a poet, I should be a better picture book writer.
Here's to lessons learned...and learning more.
Monday, May 16, 2011
There was an article published in the New York Times yesterday (May 15, 2001) by Kate Zernike, entitled, "Fast-Tracking to Kindergarten?". If you get a chance, read it.
Evidently parents are so pressured to have their children top in their class by kindergarten they are signing them up for preschool enrichment programs that are so developmentally inappropriate (my words) that it is crazy insane.
Children as young as two are doing worksheets and 20 minutes of homework per course every night.
This stuff makes me cringe. Talk about robbing our children of their childhood. Worst of all, the people they trust the most -- their parents -- are doing it -- AND -- get this -- paying $200 to $300 a month for the opportunity. OMG!!!
I wrote an 800 word op/ed for the New York Times, but after reading their submission guidelines, I didn't think it would fly. So, I cut out 650 words and submitted a letter to the editor. Now, that was definitely a lesson it tightening up my manuscript. Here's what it said:
As a nation, we have taken a step backwards and forgotten all the tenets of a good early childhood program. The focus on academics has led us to forget our duty as parents and educators to address the needs of the "whole child." Children need to develop cognitively, but also socially, physically, and emotionally. To miss any piece of this is developmentally inappropriate and harmful.
We are depriving our young children of a well-rounded education when we cement them in the abstract world of worksheets before they exit their concrete world of learning through their senses.
It is akin to taking a small rose bud and prying apart the petals to bring forth a beautiful rose. It doesn't work. Children, like flowers, need to be given the freedom to grow at their own pace and blossom when they are ready.
I doubt it will get published, but it made me feel good to send it. I've been advocating for young children for ten years now...and just when I think it can't get any worse, it does!!!
There was an article published in the New York Times yesterday (May 15, 2001) by Kate Zernike, entitled, "Fast-Tracking to Kindergarten?". If you get a chance, read it.
Evidently parents are so pressured to have their children top in their class by kindergarten they are signing them up for preschool enrichment programs that are so developmentally inappropriate (my words) that it is crazy insane.
Children as young as two are doing worksheets and 20 minutes of homework per course every night.
This stuff makes me cringe. Talk about robbing our children of their childhood. Worst of all, the people they trust the most -- their parents -- are doing it -- AND -- get this -- paying $200 to $300 a month for the opportunity. OMG!!!
I wrote an 800 word op/ed for the New York Times, but after reading their submission guidelines, I didn't think it would fly. So, I cut out 650 words and submitted a letter to the editor. Now, that was definitely a lesson it tightening up my manuscript. Here's what it said:
As a nation, we have taken a step backwards and forgotten all the tenets of a good early childhood program. The focus on academics has led us to forget our duty as parents and educators to address the needs of the "whole child." Children need to develop cognitively, but also socially, physically, and emotionally. To miss any piece of this is developmentally inappropriate and harmful.
We are depriving our young children of a well-rounded education when we cement them in the abstract world of worksheets before they exit their concrete world of learning through their senses.
It is akin to taking a small rose bud and prying apart the petals to bring forth a beautiful rose. It doesn't work. Children, like flowers, need to be given the freedom to grow at their own pace and blossom when they are ready.
I doubt it will get published, but it made me feel good to send it. I've been advocating for young children for ten years now...and just when I think it can't get any worse, it does!!!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Here in southwest Florida we do not have four seasons like the rest of the country. We have two - the wet season and the dry season.
During the dry season, we have an influx of people that are dubbed snowbirds. They flock from the north to enjoy our snow-free environment, full of warmth and sunshine. Oh, so good. Especially for me as a writer. I belong to a group of brilliant women that I would love to corral for the entire year, but alas, the bad...they are here just for the winter. We meet twice a month on a Wednesday afternoon in the condo of one of these women -- sitting at table, by a window with a panoramic view of the Gulf of Mexico -- reading our latest work. You would think that it doesn't get better than that, but it does. These women are former editors of newspapers, executives from ABC TV, Ph.D.'s that have written books...didn't I tell you they were brilliant. Not only are they smart and accomplished, but kind ... and ready to help novices like me!!!
It gets better. I have a SCBWI critique group full of --- what we call "year-rounders." Yep, we meet all year. And, again I am blessed with a group of bright, published children's writers...individuals in all stages of writing for children. Again, so many accomplished people ... kind and ready to help.
With all the craziness in this world, it is good go be associated with caring people.
And, speaking of caring people. I now have two people following my blog. So, Catherine...I guess you were right. Colored ink makes a difference.
During the dry season, we have an influx of people that are dubbed snowbirds. They flock from the north to enjoy our snow-free environment, full of warmth and sunshine. Oh, so good. Especially for me as a writer. I belong to a group of brilliant women that I would love to corral for the entire year, but alas, the bad...they are here just for the winter. We meet twice a month on a Wednesday afternoon in the condo of one of these women -- sitting at table, by a window with a panoramic view of the Gulf of Mexico -- reading our latest work. You would think that it doesn't get better than that, but it does. These women are former editors of newspapers, executives from ABC TV, Ph.D.'s that have written books...didn't I tell you they were brilliant. Not only are they smart and accomplished, but kind ... and ready to help novices like me!!!
It gets better. I have a SCBWI critique group full of --- what we call "year-rounders." Yep, we meet all year. And, again I am blessed with a group of bright, published children's writers...individuals in all stages of writing for children. Again, so many accomplished people ... kind and ready to help.
With all the craziness in this world, it is good go be associated with caring people.
And, speaking of caring people. I now have two people following my blog. So, Catherine...I guess you were right. Colored ink makes a difference.
Monday, May 9, 2011
I just finished another manuscript. Woo-hoo!! A picture book manuscript...what a good feeling. Of course, it needs to be tweaked and critiqued until I feel it's ready to submit. But, it's done...beginning...middle and end (Oh, how I have trouble with endings!).
I find picture books the most difficult to pen when writing for children. I would rather write a 25,000 word MG story than a picture book. Why? One would think a picture book would be easy because it consists of very few words. And, that, my friend, is exactly why it is so difficult.
Each one of those words needs to be perfect...exploding with meaning...placed just right in the story like flowers in a garden...and be able to tell the story in a visual way so that an illustrator needs only to pick up his paints and create.
Ah, the satisfaction of a finished story. Much thanks goes to my muse that is lurking somewhere in the recesses of my mind.
I find picture books the most difficult to pen when writing for children. I would rather write a 25,000 word MG story than a picture book. Why? One would think a picture book would be easy because it consists of very few words. And, that, my friend, is exactly why it is so difficult.
Each one of those words needs to be perfect...exploding with meaning...placed just right in the story like flowers in a garden...and be able to tell the story in a visual way so that an illustrator needs only to pick up his paints and create.
Ah, the satisfaction of a finished story. Much thanks goes to my muse that is lurking somewhere in the recesses of my mind.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Where do you seek advice on writing, publishing, ideas, or the current trends in the marketplace? There is so much around...
I read three writer's magazines, follow blogs, receive e-mails from certain organizations, attend conferences and talk to other writers.
I gander quite a bit of information...good, bad, contradictory, confusing, and just plain interesting. But, how do I decipher all this for me and my writing.
Do I follow the trends, write from the heart, write for certain genres???
I tried writing for certain topics.
I tried the trends -- like fantasy.
So, I learned to listen to my muse and follow my heart. Will I be published? Sure -- eventually. (Have to beat my brother)....I trust my muse, I trust my heart, I trust the words that fall from my brain and onto the page. Plus, I love what I do...
* * * * * * *
An aside: I have a 10 year old granddaughter who has her own blog.
She has more followers (2) than me (1). Now, she tells me it is because she writes all her blogs in different colors!! So I am trying it ... do you think I will pick up one more "follower?"
I read three writer's magazines, follow blogs, receive e-mails from certain organizations, attend conferences and talk to other writers.
I gander quite a bit of information...good, bad, contradictory, confusing, and just plain interesting. But, how do I decipher all this for me and my writing.
Do I follow the trends, write from the heart, write for certain genres???
I tried writing for certain topics.
I tried the trends -- like fantasy.
So, I learned to listen to my muse and follow my heart. Will I be published? Sure -- eventually. (Have to beat my brother)....I trust my muse, I trust my heart, I trust the words that fall from my brain and onto the page. Plus, I love what I do...
* * * * * * *
An aside: I have a 10 year old granddaughter who has her own blog.
She has more followers (2) than me (1). Now, she tells me it is because she writes all her blogs in different colors!! So I am trying it ... do you think I will pick up one more "follower?"
Monday, May 2, 2011
Finally, I'm back in the saddle again. In the era of the Knights and Ladies, of Kings and Queens, living and writing in another world. My muse is still asleep, but I know that just the act of writing will jump start her.
Thankfully, the story I resurrected, has an outline, so I know where it is going. I even have a great ending. And, if you've read any of my blah, blah, blogs, you will know that endings elude me.
Thankfully, the story I resurrected, has an outline, so I know where it is going. I even have a great ending. And, if you've read any of my blah, blah, blogs, you will know that endings elude me.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
The race is on. My brother sent me the first 80 some pages of his latest YA novel. Even though I'm a book ahead of him, he's fast approaching my speed. I read it and drat, it's good. He is writing in first person. This is something that has eluded me and I want to try, but not yet.
I have been struggling with what to do next. I have decided to pull the first book I tried to write out of the ashes and resurrect it. I am going to look at it as if someone else wrote it...edit the beginning...and then jump into it. I haven't done much writing these past few weeks. I just open my folders, re-read my musings, and then close the folder. Nothing I've done appeals to me. How sad is that?
I've asked my muse for a little help, but so far she sits silently, twiddling her thumbs in the recesses of my mind ... can figure out what the heck she's waiting for ... I could really use some inspiration. I do, however, know from experience that she will nudge me sooner or later. I just wish it was sooner.
I have been struggling with what to do next. I have decided to pull the first book I tried to write out of the ashes and resurrect it. I am going to look at it as if someone else wrote it...edit the beginning...and then jump into it. I haven't done much writing these past few weeks. I just open my folders, re-read my musings, and then close the folder. Nothing I've done appeals to me. How sad is that?
I've asked my muse for a little help, but so far she sits silently, twiddling her thumbs in the recesses of my mind ... can figure out what the heck she's waiting for ... I could really use some inspiration. I do, however, know from experience that she will nudge me sooner or later. I just wish it was sooner.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
So many ideas are floating around on my computer. All beginnings, some with middles, but no endings in sight. I feel like I'm running on a treadmill and going nowhere.
I'm enjoying playing with them...these ideas, these stories of mine. But, I want one of them to find the finish line.
Every morning I open up my files. Read what I have written and hope that the next line writes itself. Alas, it isn't happening. Am I in a panic? No. From my experiences, the story will develop in its own sweet time. And when it does - a sigh of relief.
Relax and enjoy the journey. The finish line is ahead, just keep plugging along.
A joyous Easter to you all.
I'm enjoying playing with them...these ideas, these stories of mine. But, I want one of them to find the finish line.
Every morning I open up my files. Read what I have written and hope that the next line writes itself. Alas, it isn't happening. Am I in a panic? No. From my experiences, the story will develop in its own sweet time. And when it does - a sigh of relief.
Relax and enjoy the journey. The finish line is ahead, just keep plugging along.
A joyous Easter to you all.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
A weekend away, a file folder full of half finished manuscripts, and the quietest place on earth. My retreat brought peace, serenity, but no finished stories. That's okay, because I received so much more -- answers to questions that plagued my mind for a long, long time. Questions that interfered with the creative process.
With clear thoughts and a brand new day I have discovered ideas, and new stories brewing. Now, to pick the one that will perk the interest of an editor. It's fun to start all over -- like searching for that new dress to wear to a party. I don't quite know exactly what I am looking for, but when I see it...WOW, it's perfect.
With clear thoughts and a brand new day I have discovered ideas, and new stories brewing. Now, to pick the one that will perk the interest of an editor. It's fun to start all over -- like searching for that new dress to wear to a party. I don't quite know exactly what I am looking for, but when I see it...WOW, it's perfect.
Friday, April 15, 2011
My mom would throw spaghetti on the wall to see if it was done. If it stuck, it was ready to eat. Or, was if it didn't stick to the wall it was ready to eat? Hmm, can't remember.
Anyway, that's my new theory for submitting. Write and throw manuscripts on the great publishing walls of the world -- and hope something sticks. All my work is out there. Unlike spaghetti on the wall which produces instant knowledge of acceptance (or doneness), the world of publishing takes patience.
Thank goodness I have been blessed with this attribute of patience. It keeps me from worry...and pacing...and fretting.
One of the ways I use this waiting time is to begin another project. Right now I'm not sure what that is. Fortunately I am going to a retreat this weekend. I will have a lot of time to think and write. I am taking some of my partially finished works and will see where they take me. It is my wish to have something new to toss at the wall of publishing. Time and patience will tell.
Anyway, that's my new theory for submitting. Write and throw manuscripts on the great publishing walls of the world -- and hope something sticks. All my work is out there. Unlike spaghetti on the wall which produces instant knowledge of acceptance (or doneness), the world of publishing takes patience.
Thank goodness I have been blessed with this attribute of patience. It keeps me from worry...and pacing...and fretting.
One of the ways I use this waiting time is to begin another project. Right now I'm not sure what that is. Fortunately I am going to a retreat this weekend. I will have a lot of time to think and write. I am taking some of my partially finished works and will see where they take me. It is my wish to have something new to toss at the wall of publishing. Time and patience will tell.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Ah, change. It feels good to put one book to bed and begin another.
But, where to go?
To the time of Salem and witches or a kingdom far away and joust with knights or perhaps, sit under a bridge with trolls...
Maybe I'll do all three...after many companions to play with...oh, the fun we can have!
But, where to go?
To the time of Salem and witches or a kingdom far away and joust with knights or perhaps, sit under a bridge with trolls...
Maybe I'll do all three...after many companions to play with...oh, the fun we can have!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Well, well, well...I made it! I finished my novel. A miracle. What next?
I let it sit for a while. Simmer and then I jump into the editing/revision portion.
My 85 year old neighbor wants to read it. Maybe I should put it into her hands first. She's not afraid to read gritty stuff and definitely not afraid to tell me it's crap...if that is what she thinks. I love the fiesty ones...and there are plenty of them around where I live.
Now, on to witches and trolls and bullies...
I let it sit for a while. Simmer and then I jump into the editing/revision portion.
My 85 year old neighbor wants to read it. Maybe I should put it into her hands first. She's not afraid to read gritty stuff and definitely not afraid to tell me it's crap...if that is what she thinks. I love the fiesty ones...and there are plenty of them around where I live.
Now, on to witches and trolls and bullies...
Monday, April 4, 2011
I feel like I'm running a marathon wearing combat boots and slushing through muck--the finish line is in sight...but I just can't get there.
I'm almost done with my YA novel. At least I think I am. But, it seems the more I write the further away from the ending I get...The finish line is waiting for me...I see it...I can scroll down and find it and read it and type the words "the end." It's those darn blank spaces inbetween...
Clickety, clack...
Clickety, clack...
Clickety, clack...
That's the sound of my keyboard filling in those spaces. Just when I think I have completely covered a page with words...more blank spaces appear.
I know, I's the journey, not the destination. But, I'm ready for another journey. A trip with witches or trolls or bullies.
Are we almost there?
I feel like I'm running a marathon wearing combat boots and slushing through muck--the finish line is in sight...but I just can't get there.
I'm almost done with my YA novel. At least I think I am. But, it seems the more I write the further away from the ending I get...The finish line is waiting for me...I see it...I can scroll down and find it and read it and type the words "the end." It's those darn blank spaces inbetween...
Clickety, clack...
Clickety, clack...
Clickety, clack...
That's the sound of my keyboard filling in those spaces. Just when I think I have completely covered a page with words...more blank spaces appear.
I know, I's the journey, not the destination. But, I'm ready for another journey. A trip with witches or trolls or bullies.
Are we almost there?
Saturday, April 2, 2011
My brother is the coolest guy EVER. Tall, handsome, smart and a top notch writer. Yes, I know I'm prejudice, but--hey, it's true.
He is presently in the middle of his second YA novel. His first one already has an agent interested. How cool is that?
I wish I had an agent interested in my novel.
He makes these trailers...kind of like a movie trailer...that advertise his books. They are creative and interesting and oh, so well done.
I wish I knew how to make a trailer.
We have a bet. The first one to get a book published, gets to pick the place of their choice--anywhere in the world... and the other (looks like it is going to be me) has to buy a bottle of wine and meet the winner in their chosen location.
I wish my book would be published first.
But...I secretly hope my brother wins. He doesn't like to travel too far from home and I want to meet in Paris.
He is presently in the middle of his second YA novel. His first one already has an agent interested. How cool is that?
I wish I had an agent interested in my novel.
He makes these trailers...kind of like a movie trailer...that advertise his books. They are creative and interesting and oh, so well done.
I wish I knew how to make a trailer.
We have a bet. The first one to get a book published, gets to pick the place of their choice--anywhere in the world... and the other (looks like it is going to be me) has to buy a bottle of wine and meet the winner in their chosen location.
I wish my book would be published first.
But...I secretly hope my brother wins. He doesn't like to travel too far from home and I want to meet in Paris.
Monday, March 28, 2011
What do you do when your story is stuck in neutral--going nowhere? Or, in other words, has a case of the blahs.
My remedy for a declining story line is to stop writing--for the moment.
I pick up a writer's magazine and read...for realize other writer's go through the same process...and to find a way to help my character get back on track.
I read a book by my favorite author. It gives my creative side a rest. I jot down phrases that catch my fancy and get my muse excited.
I open my folder that contains action verbs, adjectives and other interesting words I've picked up through the years--I know it sounds weird, but just reading words...unconnected to sentences...helps me visualize a better story.
And, I walk the beach. I empty my mind, feel the wind on my face, smell the saltiness of the Gulf and listen to the many sounds of the birds that scatter as I pass by. It's refreshing, lovely, calming, relaxing...and perhaps I can lose a few pounds in the process.
So, when you reach a point in your story where you feel lost...what do you do to inspire your discover a twist that will keep the reader reading? What do you do?
My remedy for a declining story line is to stop writing--for the moment.
I pick up a writer's magazine and read...for realize other writer's go through the same process...and to find a way to help my character get back on track.
I read a book by my favorite author. It gives my creative side a rest. I jot down phrases that catch my fancy and get my muse excited.
I open my folder that contains action verbs, adjectives and other interesting words I've picked up through the years--I know it sounds weird, but just reading words...unconnected to sentences...helps me visualize a better story.
And, I walk the beach. I empty my mind, feel the wind on my face, smell the saltiness of the Gulf and listen to the many sounds of the birds that scatter as I pass by. It's refreshing, lovely, calming, relaxing...and perhaps I can lose a few pounds in the process.
So, when you reach a point in your story where you feel lost...what do you do to inspire your discover a twist that will keep the reader reading? What do you do?
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Why do cars today have to be so safe? Well, okay, for obvious reasons it's good for us, but as far as my story line goes, all the safety features on cars aren't helping.
It's the middle of winter, the streets are icy, one of my characters is pissed and speeds out onto the highway. Oh, my, not a good idea, because the car hits a patch of ice and spins out of control. Trying to avoid hitting an oncoming automobile, my character swerves, flips, and hits a tree. Ordinarily that would cause pretty good damage - to the car and my pissed driver. But, of course, there seat belts and air bags to keep him from flying out the window and cutting himself to pieces, or hitting the steering and breaking ribs...and I thought writing about sex was difficult.
I have to get my peeps to the hospital. One has to be injured...maybe I should just have them stall on the train tracks. No, too dangerous and I don't want them to die.
Back to the drawing board...or plot more ways to maim a character.
It's the middle of winter, the streets are icy, one of my characters is pissed and speeds out onto the highway. Oh, my, not a good idea, because the car hits a patch of ice and spins out of control. Trying to avoid hitting an oncoming automobile, my character swerves, flips, and hits a tree. Ordinarily that would cause pretty good damage - to the car and my pissed driver. But, of course, there seat belts and air bags to keep him from flying out the window and cutting himself to pieces, or hitting the steering and breaking ribs...and I thought writing about sex was difficult.
I have to get my peeps to the hospital. One has to be injured...maybe I should just have them stall on the train tracks. No, too dangerous and I don't want them to die.
Back to the drawing board...or plot more ways to maim a character.
Friday, March 25, 2011
WOW, long time no write. But, then I don't seem to have a big "fan" base by the 0 comments I discover when I log onto my blog. I guess the length of time between blog postings is not critical. Perhaps I should place some comments so it looks like someone is actually reading it. What do you think? Lame?
I, thought, this latest subject would spark some interest. I mean sex sells -- correct? That is, if you know how to write about it.
I'm in the process of writing about SEX. And, my, oh, my it's coming with great difficulty. Not, because I can't write the correct text--it's, well, just darned embarrassing. It has to be done to add spice (interest?? reality???) to my story, but I'm doing it in the closet so no one knows. As I write I think about reading it in my critique group. Should I ask the men to leave? Or, do they stay? Afterall I need a man's perspective on it.
What do you think?
I, thought, this latest subject would spark some interest. I mean sex sells -- correct? That is, if you know how to write about it.
I'm in the process of writing about SEX. And, my, oh, my it's coming with great difficulty. Not, because I can't write the correct text--it's, well, just darned embarrassing. It has to be done to add spice (interest?? reality???) to my story, but I'm doing it in the closet so no one knows. As I write I think about reading it in my critique group. Should I ask the men to leave? Or, do they stay? Afterall I need a man's perspective on it.
What do you think?
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Oh, my goodness -- I have blog block. Similar to writer's block, blog block means I have nothing to say...can't think of anything to say...but am going to write anyway. So, you can stop reading here--everything beyond this is minutia, dribble, aka crap.
I am using this time to avoid working on my book. It's pretty much finished. The beginning is awesome, the middle not bad, but the end is boring with a capital B. I have the worst time with endings. Go figure. I need to jump in with all ten fingers and flesh it out...make it intriguing...but instead I procrastinate.
Somehow I think if I just keep typing something spectacular will jump into my head and the perfect ending will flow. But, just ain't happening. So I procrastinate.
I have found a mind numbing procrastination technique: Computer games - Now there's a way to kill time - a mineless waste.
Some productive procrastination...Housecleaning - at least I have a neat house to show for it.
Or here's one weighty way to keep myself from working. I do, however, send the finished product with my husband to the diaylsis clinic. They appreciate my offering and I don't eat it.
See didn't I tell you it was a waste of time reading this.
I am going to stop and take a walk. In reality that is the best thing for me. I come up with the greatest ideas when I am outside, on the beach and letting my muse in. Of course it hasn't whispered anything to me lately, but I know I just need to let go and be patient.
Here's hoping that today...inspiration tickles my brain.
I am using this time to avoid working on my book. It's pretty much finished. The beginning is awesome, the middle not bad, but the end is boring with a capital B. I have the worst time with endings. Go figure. I need to jump in with all ten fingers and flesh it out...make it intriguing...but instead I procrastinate.
Somehow I think if I just keep typing something spectacular will jump into my head and the perfect ending will flow. But, just ain't happening. So I procrastinate.
I have found a mind numbing procrastination technique: Computer games - Now there's a way to kill time - a mineless waste.
Some productive procrastination...Housecleaning - at least I have a neat house to show for it.
Or here's one weighty way to keep myself from working. I do, however, send the finished product with my husband to the diaylsis clinic. They appreciate my offering and I don't eat it.
See didn't I tell you it was a waste of time reading this.
I am going to stop and take a walk. In reality that is the best thing for me. I come up with the greatest ideas when I am outside, on the beach and letting my muse in. Of course it hasn't whispered anything to me lately, but I know I just need to let go and be patient.
Here's hoping that today...inspiration tickles my brain.
Monday, March 7, 2011
It's been way too long since I've been on the blog. I've been busy sending in more manuscripts. It's nothing like an ACCEPTANCE to get the old juices flowing again.
And, I mean the old ones. I decided to enter some more contests. I send three of my REJECTS into Writer's Digest for their annual contest. Of course, I dusted them off and did editing and revising before I posted them. I figure if they don't place in the contest, I might as well deep 6 them.
I did, however, send two fresh stories to Children's Writer for their contest. I think I blah, blah, blogged about them a while ago. The challenge was to come up with emergent readers for kindergarten. I didn't think I could do it, but the muse tickled my ear and I managed to punch out a couple. We will see where that leads.
Now the biggie - the HOOK. Oh, how I hate the HOOK. I just sent in the first three chapters of my middle grade novel to a MAJOR publishing house -- I could do this because I attended an SCBWI conference and that is one of the bennies. It took me days and days and days just to write that one small paragraph -- the HOOK -- in the cover letter. I don't understand how I can write pages and pages of text, but when it comes to a cover letter I panic. And, I mean PANIC. I read and re-read until my eye balls fall out. I google all the "sample query" letter sites and read and re-read them until eye balls hurt. And, I still second guess every word I write. But, I realize I must eventually let it go...and so I do.
Maybe I should google OCD sites. Perhaps they can advise me about letting go of the dreaded HOOK.
And, I mean the old ones. I decided to enter some more contests. I send three of my REJECTS into Writer's Digest for their annual contest. Of course, I dusted them off and did editing and revising before I posted them. I figure if they don't place in the contest, I might as well deep 6 them.
I did, however, send two fresh stories to Children's Writer for their contest. I think I blah, blah, blogged about them a while ago. The challenge was to come up with emergent readers for kindergarten. I didn't think I could do it, but the muse tickled my ear and I managed to punch out a couple. We will see where that leads.
Now the biggie - the HOOK. Oh, how I hate the HOOK. I just sent in the first three chapters of my middle grade novel to a MAJOR publishing house -- I could do this because I attended an SCBWI conference and that is one of the bennies. It took me days and days and days just to write that one small paragraph -- the HOOK -- in the cover letter. I don't understand how I can write pages and pages of text, but when it comes to a cover letter I panic. And, I mean PANIC. I read and re-read until my eye balls fall out. I google all the "sample query" letter sites and read and re-read them until eye balls hurt. And, I still second guess every word I write. But, I realize I must eventually let it go...and so I do.
Maybe I should google OCD sites. Perhaps they can advise me about letting go of the dreaded HOOK.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Oh, my goodness, one of my stories has been picked up by a MAJOR children's magazine publishing company. I am soooo excited.
As for the MARATHON. Today is the last day and I didn't get all the necessary - 30 - manuscripts finished. But there are a lot of ideas floating around in my computer file.
As for the MARATHON. Today is the last day and I didn't get all the necessary - 30 - manuscripts finished. But there are a lot of ideas floating around in my computer file.
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