Monday, January 3, 2011


I'm still waiting for the inspiration - that "aha" moment - to give me just what I need for the picture book contest I would like to enter. I have until February to come up with a masterfully worded, never before seen in print, earth shattering manuscript for the world of publishing.

To tell you the truth, I don't like writing picture books. Some people think they are easy to pen because so few words are needed. That is precisely what makes them tricky. Even Sherlock Holmes would have difficulty discovering the right words for a pb manuscript.

In addition, they are impossible to sell. Publishers receive thousands of pb manuscripts a year and only publish a handful. They are expensive to produce and in today's ecomony, parents aren't exactly beating a path to Barnes and Noble to buy them.

God helps those who help themselves. So, instead of sitting in the lotus position and chanting some inane mantra all day, I decided the only way to get inspiration is to get busy.

I plunked down in front of my computer, took a deep breath and  let my fingers scurry across the keyboard. Did I come up with anything noteworthy? For the But, I do have five ideas down on paper. And, for me that's a grand start. I will re-visit my attemps daily and let the thoughts simmer in my mind when I walk. Eventually something will pop.

Inspiration is there - somewhere - faith, courage and and hard work are all it takes to find it.

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