Thursday, January 20, 2011


Something must happen to people when they are elected to public office - be it local, state or federal. I think they leave their brains and common sense behind once they open the door of power.

Take Florida, for instance. A new bill (HB255) was just introduced in the house requiring teachers to GRADE parents on their involvement in their child's educational life. If this bill is passed, there will be a section on report cards specifically designated to inform parents of their "accountability" - satisfactory, needs improvement or unsatisfactory.

Our overworked teachers will now be reaching into the home and making decisions on parenting skills?

You've got to be freakin' kidding me. This is wrong on so many levels I don't even know how to begin writing about it. And, trust me I will be writing about it to my state representatives and governor.

Any thoughts and suggestions from you would be totally appreciated.

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On the local scene it gets crazier...I'm not sure if it falls under the banner of political correctness...or what, but...

Yesterday was "Religious Freedom" Day in our high schools.

What happened to all the flagging waving ... separation of church and state ... people?

But, once you see who was invited to "Religious Freedom" Day, you will understand...

PFLAG and the ACLU.

OMG - I didn't know these were religions.

It's a scary world out there in public education land. I'm glad I'm not longer a part of it.


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